Monday, April 18, 2005

UN playing games?

The UN World Food Programme (WFP) needs to practice it’s on game. That is correct citizens; the UN has a game to help indoctrinate your kids and teachers with a planning guide to be used in classroom settings to teach your children to help rape and ….oh wait that’s the real UN not the game.

This so called game is used to indoctrinate players by pulling at their emotional strings, you know, like the Sallie Struthers commercials. “Timothy has not eating in a week, please send money and help feed his village.” But with the UN twist, “We here at the UN are doing our best to rape, (sorry another slip I meant to say) stop world hunger.” As the off camera crew chokes down another ham sandwich.

Not only is Kofi worried, but the UNorganized as a whole is also concerned about their status as a World Power which appears to be in jeopardy.

Alex, I’ll take Defunct Organization for $2,000.


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