Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Trustworthy? Or just covering you 6 Senator?

I hope no one has fallen for the so called apology by Sen. Dick Durbin. Does he retract his comparison of our soldiers to mass murdering Nazis and Communists? The answer is "no."

His apology comes just hours prior to the Rasmussen Reports that show 70% of the American public says Gitmo prisoners are treated well. The radical left’s campaign to demonize the War on Terror, the US military, and Guantanamo Bay is backfiring. Badly.


At 7:56 AM, Blogger Jar(egg)head said...

The Democratic party and the American left are starting to look a lot like a slow-motion trainwreck.

Of course, I could say the same about the way the Republican government is handling the enormous illegal immigration problem on our southern border. The government represents the will of the people--not the other way round. If the government isn't upholding its end of the bargain, steps will have to be taken. The Minuteman Project was a very clear, loud, and unmistakeable warning signal; I can't fathom why the Bush administration continues to ignore it.

At 12:17 PM, Blogger Churt(Elfkind) said...

I recently saw an interview with a North Korean youth. When asked what he thought of American's he said he hated them because they killed Korean people. Of course Korean people kill Korean people so I guess he hates himself as well. We watch people living in Palestine dance in the streets at the deaths of 1000s in the 9/11 attacks. The news reports continued killing of our allies in Israel. Iran and North Korea both want to kill us. You might ask what terrible thing have we done to deserve this kind of animosity. The answer is simple. We prevented these governments from doing whatever the hell they wanted at one time or another. For one reason or another we intervened on behalf of someone who was being threatened by these governments. America is not evil, greedy or ignorant, as they would have you believe. The governments hate us because they can’t do anything about us. The people usually hate us because their government tells them to.

If the people chiding America for this or that did the same for the transgressions of the other side I might say they are being objective. This is not usually the case. Especially considering the other side usually has much worse human rights issues than we do. As Jar(egg)head has pointed out on many occasions, the other side gets away with human rights violations because they are part of their culture and the media won’t attack their culture. If China had been attacked in this manner the retribution would have been much worse. And after China had annihilated the enemy they would probably have kept their land.

The point of all this is to make clear that it is America who holds the moral high ground. If an interrogator used unlawful techniques to extract information then he should be held accountable. America is not perfect by any means and even people in our military are human. Well, maybe not the marines, after the genetic enhancements who can say * grin *. All joking aside, there will be violations of regulations and even some unlawful activity by a few. Throwing a barbecue pit over a fence comes to mind ;-). I’m not saying it’s ok, I’m saying it should be treated like any crime. The punishment should fit the crime and situations should be taken into account. It should not be turned into a general statement about the American military. In my opinion, the majority of soldiers are true heroes who put their life on the line for their country. If you say all Muslims are murdering terrorists you are labeled an ignorant bigot. If you lump the entire American military together and call them that you’re considered enlightened or something. Double standards seam to run rampant.

Sen. Durbin would do well to limit his public statements to the people allegedly committing the transgressions. When a government official makes a statement like this he only hurts the country. This is contrary to his purpose as a U.S. Senator. You would do well to remember this Dick. We are not amused.


At 1:08 PM, Blogger Fundy said...


Throwing a barbecue pit over a fence comes to mind ;-). Is this something that I am aware of, or may have done in my past life?

At 1:27 PM, Blogger Churt(Elfkind) said...

I believe this has to do with Jar(egg)head.


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