Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Boycott yourself

Just great here comes the union trying once again to destroy something that they can not get their greedy little hands on. Unions had a positive impact say 40 years ago but now they are more of a nuisance at best.

To combat Wal-Mart anti union stance, the union has recruited strategists from the 2004 Howard Dean and Wesley Clark campaigns, wait did one of them win? Oh, so let’s hire losers for losers and campaign against the Evil Wal-Mart. Here is my favorite complaint by these miss guided losers:

"Exploitation of sweatshop labor and foreign–sourced labor."

Oh is that so, have you ever tried to buy a cordless drill that was made in the USA? So while you guys are brow beating Wal-Mart you might as well add every other department story in the US! Idiots.


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