Parenting 101
As a parent I can not understand how a kid at a coin operated laundry mat could place his sister in a washing machine without the mother observing it! Since the mother was unable to fulfill her duties as a parent she is suing the manufacturer of the washing machine company.
So if my kid runs out in the street while I am napping and he is struck down by a vehicle, let say a Ford, I now should now be able to sue the Ford Corporation since it was their vehicle that was used in the apparent assault upon my child. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!
I understand from time to time that a child can do amazing amount of mischief in nanoseconds within the confines of your house. But once you leave the semi child proof house they should never be out of your sight!
(*warning common sense alert*) With today’s society and the number pedophiles that are taking more and more risk by now entering homes and taking children, as a parent it is your job to protect those little ones who can not yet protect them selves! So do your jobs and quit blaming everyone else.
So right it's amazing. Common sense alerts are now News items broadcast for the never ending amount of adults that should know better but don't. The surgeon general warning label on cigarettes is still at the top of my list. Better yet, claymores with the 'front toward enemy' label.
Hehe! "Front towards enemy"
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