Friday, September 09, 2005

Missing Money

During the Red Sock and Angel’s game, the newscasters spoke of certain players who are helping out hurricane victims.

Curt Schilling put up a family of NINE in a hotel. FOR A YEAR.

There was an Angel player who's allowing another family to live in his Atlanta house.

Where are the "compassionate" Lefties who also happen to be outright rich? Micheal Moore? Hello? How many millions did you make on your latest crockumentary? Hell, most of the dimwitted actors and celebrities who howl about how mean Bush is and how nice they are in comparison could afford to buy or rent houses all over the South and Southeast for hurricane victims to live in. For that matter, they could rent out entire hotels for a year with all the money they have. That would help these people a hell of a lot more than the pissing and moaning we've seen from the Left. Why not put action behind their words? But what do we get instead?

Sean Penn trying to get more photo ops on a sinking boat. To bad he lived.

Yeah, that's just what the people of New Orleans need.

Put up or shut up, Lefties. And those on the Left who happen to sleep on beds made of hundred dollar bills? Put your money where your mouth is.


At 9:44 AM, Blogger mman said...

The celebs out there with multimillion dollar bank accounts should follow Paul Newman's example. He gives and gives and doesn't think twice about it.
As for Sean Penn, I couldn't understand why FOX news was broadcasting his efforts. It was so ironic I had to change the channel to the local news.


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