Saturday, October 08, 2005

UN denied again! Update, Not so fast they say!

Just when we thought it was over, the World leaders of those who wish to destroy the US are now going to cry to the UN and take control of the net!

What concerns me is that those countries will continue to spread hate toward the US by controlling the content of the internet in their prospective countries.

Boy the liberals would love that, free reign of all media outlets on the web! Maybe then they could get away with something like the Rathergate, but wait according to Mary Mapes when the documents were faxed, it changed the documents (duh), thus confusing the experts.

“Faxing changes a document in so many ways, large and small, that analyzing a memo that had been faxed — -in some cases not once, but twice — -was virtually impossible. The faxing destroyed the subtle arcs and lines in the letters. The characters bled into each other. The details of how the typed characters failed to line up perfectly inside each word were lost.”

Let’s review here: You got caught red handed idiots!

Now where was I? Oh, the countries that want to control free speech....sorry I mean the internet. Of course all of those countries are spouting the same company line crap as below:

Hendon is also adamant: "The really important point is that the EU doesn't want to see this change as bringing new government control over the internet. Governments will only be involved where they need to be and only on issues setting the top-level framework."

And would that top level frame work in China be censorship?

From the pages of Wikipedia:

Censorship is the control of speech and other forms of human expression, often in the context of government control. It is most commonly applied to acts which occur in public circumstances, and generally involves a suppression of them by criminalizing their expression. What is censored may range from specific words to entire concepts, and the ostensible motive of censorship is to stabilize or improve the society over which the government has control.

Sounds almost like the current movement in the US in regards to the Religion of Peace.

China, one of the most anti-free speech countries in the world, and a leading proponent of strict internet regulation, apparently does not approve of keeping the status quo, and provides a laughable response to this prospect:

"This situation is very undemocratic, unfair and unreasonable," said Sha Zukang, the ambassador from China, which this week imposed new rules that allow only "healthy and civilized" news to be read by the mainland's 100 million Web users.


In its ever ending quest to control the US and the rest of the globe, the UN once again has been denied access by the US to control World Wide Web. As stated in the article “the internet governance historically has been the role of the United States, because it created the original system and funded much of its early development.”

The dysfunctional organization was originally turned down earlier this summer by the US government so now they are pleading their case to the International Community; better know as those who hate America. We invented it (sorry Al Gore) and deployed it with our money, so I think it is ours to control. Imagine if the US demanded control of your precious Oil for Food program.


At 12:05 PM, Blogger Jar(egg)head said...

Da Biatch-slap! You go, W! I don't like many of the things you're up to, (see the cartoon below for an example), but you're doing a great job of keeping the U.N. on the mat.

Go for the jab-jab-cross combo. That'll put 'em down for at least an eight-count.

At 8:51 AM, Blogger Brooke Lorren said...

I hate the UN. The less control they have over things, the better.

At 11:22 AM, Blogger JW said...

I whish this had main stream attention. Point A: Censorship The thought of China or Iran having a say in the internet is frightening thought. China already has the technology of censoring the internet implemented now. The UN does not have the balls to stand up to them if they start insisting on censorship, and I believe they will insist. Currently under US control you can post everything except kiddie porn on the internet without fear of prosecution. I’d say it’s working pretty dam good and we shouldn’t be trying to fix it.

Point B: Internet Tax, The UN is DYING to find some way of taxing the world. They come up with at least 3 dumb schemas for some kinds of UN tax pops up. If they get control they could and WOULD tax the internet.

I say let the UN make there own crappy internet and tax the hell out of it. The US has been more then far with the Internet, al Quadia for crying out loud. The US hasn’t messed with the GPS system and nobody seems to want that. O Ya be pretty tough to tax broadcasted data.


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