Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Law & Order: STUPID

Following the lead of the other elitist holier than thou self congratulatory moonbats, Richard Belzer, states that all of our volunteer military consist of people who could not find employment and are uneducated, he further stated that just because they are in Iraq, they really do not know what is going in Iraq, since they do not read 20 newspapers a day. So if you went to college or are currently enrolled in college according to fart knocker boy that time spent hitting the books is a waste of your time, instead head over to the local Starsmuck’s buy 20 newspapers kick back and read them and ******hocus pocus******your are a intellectual with the credentials to back it up, and add combat correspondant to your resume too! Wonder what Pat Tillman would say?

Funny thing about Mr. Belzer, he could not hack it at a junior college, and joined the Army. Once he stated his stint in the Army, he realized that he did not have the moxie for the Army way of life and tried to get out early, unsuccessfully I might add. Is there some resentment for being held to a commitment he made to Uncle Sam? Or just maybe that his observations of the current makeup of the armed forces mimic his little pathetic teen years to the “T” and he was just sharing those adolescence years as some form of Michael Moore therapy?


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