Tuesday, February 20, 2007

UN to the rescue, hid your children

The sky is now officially falling. Just when the lay people of America discover the vast incompetent, power hungry losers in the UN, a group of idiots’ ok sorry, scientist now are saying that an asteroid will come uncomfortably close and the UN needs to save us.

Just like they saved Sudan, Rwanda, Bosnia, Haiti, and Somalia just to name a few. If there is any equipment or supplies the cities of the world would need to help protect you from the impact you can rest assured that the Blue Hats will want your daughters in return.

Science is defined as systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation. So scientist, if this statement is true then your hypothesis must be flawed, just like your current scare tactic of Global Warming!

Just stating the facts……………………..


At 10:22 AM, Blogger Jar(egg)head said...

People are finally starting to see through the IPCC and their global warming scam, so the poor U.N. has to find another Impending Doom™ to justify its existence. What better than imaginary space rocks?


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