Monday, March 28, 2005

Mexican Gang targets Minuteman Project.

So it is t minus four days and counting. It would appear that the Minuteman Project is going to be a huge success. Heck, the patrols have not even started and the Mexican government is already crying foul! First Mexico wanted to sue the Minuteman Project, then the crack smoking Mexican president Fox said the walls to be built along the San Diego border is “discriminatory" and "against freedom.", now the punk gang MS-13 are going to target the Minuteman project.

At some point I would expect the crack smoking Mexican president Fox to go to the World Court to sue the United States for protecting her borders.

Since president Fox’s does not agree about our wall, what should we do? I believe of course only a Marine could describe it with such elegance!

Jar(egg)head said...

"Fox said, 'We are convinced that walls don't work.'"

Fine. We'll build machinegun towers and plant minefields, instead. That better, you post-Maxmillian, drug-laundering piece of shit?

Keep your oppressed peasants on YOUR side of the shithouse. You made 'em, you can sleep with 'em.

When Jar(egg)Head speaks it hard not to agree with him, well on this subject anyway.


At 1:04 PM, Blogger Jar(egg)head said...

Yippee! Ah, sweet fame! I bask in thee!

Uh... question: Does this count as part of my 15 minutes? =oP

At 2:37 PM, Blogger Fundy said...

Sorry afraid not. This fame will last until this article is archived, so go ahead and bask your buns off!

At 2:39 PM, Blogger Fundy said...

Sorry afraid not. This fame will last until this article is archived, so go ahead and bask your buns off!


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