Tuesday, March 22, 2005

First Amendment Rights challenged in an English Court.

From the pages of Powerline "the" Blog site that broke the Rathergate papers story:

Thomas Lipscomb has alerted us to a story we have not previously heard of, involving the use of the British courts by a Saudi sheik to pursue a defamation lawsuit against an American writer for allegations made in a book published exclusively in the United States. The American writer has allowed a default judgment to be entered against her in the British courts.

Lipscomb's article appears in Editor & Publisher, a publication geared to the newspaper business. This story cries out for the attention of the MSM. Where are they when we need them? In any event, don't miss this one: "Another First Amendment landmark case?"


At 8:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

With a name like Rachel Ehrenfeld the towel heads were not after just another author.. And this type of back door practice is allowed through the Arab friendly Englsh court system..Guess the Boston Tea Party was just a little ahead of it's time...


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