Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Ebay...maybe I spoke to soon.

Paramount and UPN with their great wisdom, insight and stupidity have decided to cancel Enterprise. For some reason people within the inner circles of Paramount think Star Trek needs a break. Well the producer had a very interesting statements about the cancellation:

"I just think the best move would be to let ENTERPRISE continue its run and have another series waiting in the wings. If people can watch 47 versions of CSI, we can have more than one version of STAR TREK."

Well, this time the fans have had enough and will not give up so easy; so, as of today 3.1 million has been donated by the fans to carry the show for at least one more year. The fans are also using Ebay to help raise additional funding for the show. That is “if” the Paramount Studio will let them do so.


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