Saturday, March 12, 2005

The Online Coalition :: Letter to the FEC

Well now Hillary's little plan is trying to blossom. So what part of his reputation are you trying to protect? Whether it Cuban Cigar or Domestic?

The Drudge Report was the media outlet that leaked the Monica Lewinsky story after mainstream media would not expose it, and in doing so he was sued by the Clinton's, well here is the outcome of that frivolous lawsuit.
Also, David Horowitz's "Center for the Study of Popular Culture", defended the Drudge and was audit by the IRS for his troubles.

"Two weeks ago, my name appeared on the front page of the Wall Street Journal in an article about the Drudge case. The Center for the Study of Popular Culture, a tax-exempt foundation that I run and that houses the Drudge Defense Fund, was also mentioned. Five days later, I received notification from the IRS that the center would be the subject of an IRS audit. We had never been audited before.

So please consider signing this.


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