Friday, April 01, 2005

Ward Churchill Is Not Alone

Not to be out done by Churchill, I’d like to introduce you to associate professor at North Carolina Wesleyan, Jane T. Christensen. (Hat tip: Drew and from the pages of LGF)

Here is her faculty web page, proudly reeking of antisemitism and conspiracy mania.

Here is the course she’s teaching for the Spring 2005 semester: (POL 495) 911 The Road to Tyranny.

Read the whole page. You’re not going to believe her recommended web sites and reading sources.

And here is her final exam for (POL302) The American Presidency.



Instructions: Write essays on each of the following 4 questions (25 points each). Your answers should be at least one page each, no less. You will be graded on your writing and organizational skills as well as your ability to bring the readings into your discussion. This test is designed to see how well you have thought about the materials we have read and discussed and your ability to discuss these materials after you have reflected on them.

1. How has the war on terrorism contributed to the powers of the Bush presidency? (Discuss at least 4 ways).

2. Discuss the sweeping attack on democratic rights under the Bush administration and what this means for the future of democratic government in America.

3. Whose interests are served by the foreign and domestic policies of the Bush administration?

4. Describe and discuss the role of the Bush advisors. Who are they? What is their agenda? And how is it being carried out?


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