Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Got Nukes?

Oh this is just too good to pass up. The Dems just have nothing to go on so as usual they will make up anything to portray the Bush administration in a bad light. This time they are trying to paint the picture that it is the Bush administration that is responsible for the North Korean nuclear mess. For eight years the Clinton administration appease NK, including giving them two light water nuclear reactors. Now where do you think NK got the fissionable material to make their bombs from? This editorial gives the full details of the tin foil hat theory.

Democrats and their mainstream media allies have been peddling a new and highly inventive theory about North Korea's nuclear-weapons program: that Pyongyang only makes nukes when Republicans hold the White House.

As the theory goes, North Korea's nuclear ambitions go on holiday when Democrats take office and only return with the election of someone like George W. Bush. If a President John Kerry were in office to hand out concessions to North Korea the way Bill Clinton did, the tyrants in Pyongyang would presumably be rolling out red carpets for the International Atomic Energy Agency and turning their reactor fuel back over to the power plants.

Wow. So let’s just think here for a moment....... Who gave away the candy store to NK? Why do you think that NK wants nothing to do with the 6 nation talks? Well of course, to use it as they did with Slick Willy to try and extort as much as they can with little or no concessions. Kind of reminds me of FDR dealing with Stalin at the Yalta conference.

This whole appeasement theory that the lefties use is just mind boggling. Name one dictator where this theory of butt kissing has changed there views to that of the US! Just one………………………………………….


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