Sunday, June 26, 2005

Bono fide

U2 frontman BONO was horrified during a visit to Ethiopia, when he saw local women pelting a breast-feeding aid worker with stones.

The American woman was oblivious of the offence she was causing, and had to escape the angry onslaught from female Muslims who had no qualms about injuring her or her baby.
Bono recalls, "I remember one vision of the people who are with WORLD VISION, which is an American aid agency.

"One of the women was breast-feeding a child on the horse. She was so comfortable. She didn't mean to be insensitive.

And pelting a mother and child with stones is not insensitive? What is it with folks such as Sean Penn and Bono that they can excuse the most terrible behavior exhibited by the people of other cultures? Is their enlightened elitism blinding them to basic ethics? I don't care if it's accepted in that culture. Stoning is just plain wrong. It's unethical and Bono should realize this instead of blaming the "insenstive" breastfeeding American Aid Worker.


At 12:20 PM, Blogger Jar(egg)head said...

I'm just amazed Bono can speak in complete sentences. Next thing you know, he'll be able to tie his own shoes.


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