Sunday, July 10, 2005

Protection needed when the Left supports troops

Just incase you missed this one, which you may have, but not because you were not paying attention, a Navy Seal may have be beheaded. What I would like to know where is that great MSM (Main Stream Media) machine and the Kennedy liberals at now?

They cry when the Abu Gihrab and Gitmo detainees supposedly mistreated and in the process to investigate the alleged mistreatment they spent millions to find nothing. The only way the radical Left would jump onto this case is if the Navy Seal's relative is a radical Leftist who would blame the death of his relative on Bush just as Nick Berg's father did.

Most lefties start every speech with the words, “We support the troops”. First of all, if they actually did support our soldiers they wouldn’t feel the need to keep reminding us how much they “support” the efforts of our young men and women in uniform. Support from liberals has come in some pretty unusual forms. Bill Clinton cut the pay of servicemen to the point where a large percentage of military personal needed to go on food stamps. They followed this up by dismantling the intelligence departments through the 90’s, and had the hubris to complain about the lack of intelligence before 9/11 and the Iraq war. As an encore, the Clintons along with Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright gave North Korea the very nuclear technology they are now threatening us with. There is a chance that American soldiers will eventually lose their lives in North Korea cleaning up this mess. Why is it when a liberal supports our military it always resembles a swift kick to the groin??


At 9:55 AM, Blogger Jar(egg)head said...

Lefties are always preaching the "precautionary prinicple"; I say we exercise it by wiping out Islam. Radical, moderate, whatever. If they're all gone, we don't have to worry about it.

After all, that's what they'd love to do to everyone else-- convert or die.

While we're at it, we can throw in Ted Kennedy.

/bad day.
//getting worse.


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