Thursday, December 15, 2005

One mushroom cloud on the way

Tancredo: 51 Terrorist Suspects Crossed Border Illegally

Tancredo says: "What scares me is not this list from federal law enforcement -- after all, we've already caught those terrorists. What scares me is the potentially hundreds of terrorists who make their way through our porous borders each year and go undetected."

So here is additional proof that our borders need a lot more attention from the Bush administration than just the current lip service that it is receiving! And now it appears that it will take a nuke to go off in some city before we will close our borders, to bad but that is what it will take!

And of course Congressional hearings will be held as to why such an act occurred within the confines of our border, they will search high and low, however, in the end they will have no one but their selves to blame.


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