What would you do?
A terrorist attack is imminent and the suspects are in your sight, do you:
a) do what George Clooney would do and try to "understand" them
b) do what an ACLU attorney would do and make sure their "rights" aren't violated during the commision of their attack
c) do what Jack Bauer would do and shoot, knife, kick, punch and disembowel them until they are no longer a threat
If you answered "c" then you are a good American.
If you answered "a" or "b" then get out of my country. And if you are a male (not a man) and you are married then leave your wife and kids behind because you obviously can't protect them.
24 is back!
Hat tip: Daniel's Political Musings
1. You are correct. This is truly a rant. 2. It's not "your country." 3. I have a great deal of respect for the Marines. The ones I know are able to analyze complex problems that require complex solutions. Your speciality seems to be simple solutions to invented problems.
Bottom line. You may be more comfortable fighting for the Taliban since their view of society seems pretty close to yours.
Good God it's a TV show. Probably about the best defense of the current "shoot first ask questions later" ethos of the modern conservative though... I think there's a good reason why conservative political theory plays well as fiction.
d.) Arrest the nimrods and let the courts sort them out. Surely if you've got time to 'shoot, knife, kick, punch and disembowel them until they are no longer a threat', you've got time to arrest them. If you haven't, you've still got legal grounds to shoot them if they elude arrest.
It's not that hard to tell the difference between macho bullshit and a plausible course of action- about as hard as differentiating between 'site' and 'sight'. Oh, wait... -Ursula
Then, having shot, knifed, kicked, punched, and disemboweled the suspects, you later discover that they were innocent bystanders, and their children are now orphans. Oops: bad intel.
Congratulations, marine. Nice work.
There's a reason why we have a thing called "due process" in my country.
You are a silly man.
You forgot "(d) Ignore the imminent threat and instead spend billions of dollars invading a country that has nothing to do with the imminent threat (and then congratulate yourself for convincing a bunch of ignorant voters that you are acting just like their make-believe heroes in action TV shows)."
Choice C all the way. Thank God reality is always exactly as depicted on FOX.
Sun Tzu said "know your enemy" in his famous Art of War. Robert Macnamara said our major failure in vietnam was that we did not empathsize with our enemy. Niether one of these guys is a peacenik. It doesn't mean that you don't kick the crap out of them.
It is just something that you need to do if you are going to win.
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