Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Blinded by rage......

Those of us who have served this great country will not take this so lightly as others, I have kept quite about this who ILLEGAL immigrants outcry but this photo is the final straw. If they believe that Mexico is so great, then haul your backsides south of the Rio Grande.


At 7:39 AM, Blogger Jar(egg)head said...

Let's play "Find the Non-Sequiter":

in protest of a proposed federal law that would criminalize illegal immigration.

How can you criminalize something that's already illegal?

Unfortunately, this is just more political smoke-screening on the part of the Morlocks in Washington. They got tired of listening to people scream about illegal immigration, so they've set up this nice little dog & pony show. In few weeks, they'll let it quietly slip back into a oblivion.

Meanwhile, the current logarithmic rate of increase in Mexicans coming over the border means that the entire population of Mexico will be in the United States in less than 20 years. We'll start shooting them long before it gets to that point. Because Washington has once again forgotten the cardinal rule of our republic: The PEOPLE are the government. Those in Washington are only representatives.


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