Monday, May 09, 2005

Microfag Software

I do not believe that it is up to big businesses to take a position on a subject that is being handled through legislation process. I know that sounds soo naive, however if you are gay and are doing your job then what is the problem?

Not quite positive but I do not believe that a benefits package for an employee includes converges for their live in boyfriend/girlfriend. So why should gays be singled out for this so called protection.

Oh wait I hear the cry of one now, “We are being discriminated just like the blacks were in the 50’s and 60’s.” Well guess what the blacks are not even buying into that one! And another thing you are not riding in the back of the bus, and being barred from restaurants. African Americans can not change the color of their skin but a supposed born gay person can change their sexual orientation!

The latest in the Gay movement here in the PNW wants to have a gay only neighborhood. So does that mean we should regress and have whites or black only neighborhoods again?

Between the Gay Coalition and NAMBLA I am not sure who is worst. But the gays say, “We are not targeted young kids!” Really, here is just one example of the approach that you sneak through our education system without the knowledge of parents! If you were not targeting kids, just like NABLA, then why not go directly to the parents and tell them what you are trying to achieve in the classroom? Because you know it would not fly with the vast majority of the parents.

So Microsoft here is another feather in your hat for becoming the pawns of the degenerates of our society. Keep up the good work! I am sure your stock will reflect it.


At 6:53 AM, Blogger Jar(egg)head said...

The entire "gay rights" issue has become a case of the tail wagging the dog. A small, vocal (and irritating) minority of homosexuals have decided they are a "disenfranchised" minority. Since the only way to support this logic is by claiming it is a matter of genetics rather than choice, they've made great strides in convincing the general public that they are somehow "victims of nature." That's all well and good--except that the entire concept doesn't stand up to scientific scrutiny.

If this is indeed a genetic mutation, then it's one that must occur with nearly perfect spontaneous replicability in over 1% of the population of every single generation. The problem is that it is, by definition, a non-generational mutation. Simply put, gays can't have children, (unless somebody has changed the laws of nature and I'm not aware of it), so it is quite impossible for the mutated trait to breed true. Homosexuality is an evolutionary dead end.

As a lifestyle choice, I harbor no special antipathy towards homosexuals. But it's a choice, not a state of victimhood. If anything, I feel pity for them, as homosexuality invariably devolves from insecurity, feelings of inferiority, and an inability to deal with societal pressure. The best option would be to see a psychiatrist, not "come out of the closet." The fact that some people can't get their head straight doesn't make them an oppressed minority. If we give them special protection, we'll have to start giving it to "goths" and "furries" and every other flavor of personality disorder which are the inevitable by-products of a wealthy society.

Homosexuals are entitled to the same legal protections as every other human being in the United States--and they already have them. Special legal status is neither required nor desirable. If it makes it more difficult for you and your "partner" to buy a house or get a home improvement loan because you aren't married, well... that, too, is part of the choice you make. It's called "life," and it is most certainly not fair. Just shut up and deal with it like everybody else.


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