Monday, June 27, 2005

Quagmire: Kennedy or Iraq?

Question: How many times in a month can one silly, irrelevant Senator use the word quagmire in public?

Answer: A lot, especially when CNN is still on the air to give him a public forum. On Late Edition, Kennedy, the one Senator who ought to know what a quagmire really is, since he's the one who drove Mary Jo and the car into one himself, appeared and didn't let up from the insanity he spewed a few days ago. Here's a sample, as quoted in this Washington Times story:

"Iraq is absolutely consistent with Vietnam. They don't like to hear about it, the administration doesn't like to hear about it. Every time that you mention it, they attack those that mention it. But there has to be a political resolution. There has to be a military presence, but a political resolution to this problem ultimately. It cannot be just solved militarily."

Memo to Senator Kennedy. A political resolution is taking place. It's called the three main tribes of Iraq getting together and hammering out a constitution. What a moron.

How one Senator feel it to be his personal mission to belittle the efforts and obvious results of hundreds of thousands of coalition forces, is beyond me.


At 12:16 PM, Blogger Jar(egg)head said...

I'd hoped ol' Teddy would be dead and gone by now. Alas, it appears he has been pickled, and will thus be with us for many years to come.


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