Friday, May 20, 2005

Answer Unknown

If you do not know the answer to a question on this test then you may find yourself suspended for 5 days.

"I couldn't think of what to write the essay without making fun of the principal."

It would appear that the kid was showing respect for the principal. That is an outstanding trait in today society for a fourth grader! My better half teaches fourth grade and I have witness first hand the lack of respect most of these poor kids have for authority!

And another thing, have you seen anyone flying past a window lately? Not sure what the question was trying to examine in the students? Creativity maybe, wait I am offended by this question, remember 9/11?

Poor school district is sooooo worried about the students performing for this test. Schools are focusing so hard to cover their collective butts for inability and laziness that resides in the school system these days. And you can not blame all of the teachers for it either, the school administrators and PhD no it alls are the ones to blame. Each year there is so new and wonderful teaching method out that the schools must use! They believe that hard work is well too hard for students to understand and may hurt someone feelings, then the outdated hippy parents call the enemy of the state to sue (ACLU).

Even those pesky little cheese head, wine sipping French get a chuckle when you mention US education!


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