Sunday, April 30, 2006

My America, not wait.........

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Wetbacks or Ducks

Since the PC police have been allowed to run free for so long many things both good and bad have been banned. But Mr. Domingo Garcia states using the terms "illegal alien" or "illegal immigrant" are racial slurs. I am sooo sorry Mr. Gracia that I may have offended your client, aka one with no green card who snuck into our country bypassing the immigrantion office. But if it quacks like a duck, swims like a duck, or walks like a duck, then it must be a Wetback or maybe a duck. That is what I would call offensive to a hispanic.

But to be fair lets look at Black's (oops) Law Dictionary for illegal alien- a person who have sneaked into the country or stayed beyond the time allowed on a visa. Mr. Gringo I believe you need to sue the college that you obtained your law degree from or wait did you just buy it?

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The South has Risen

Well at least Georgia has by taking a stand on this invasion that has been spiraling out of control since 1986 when the last free pass was handed out to criminals. Of course Mexico is upset about it, oh wait who cares! The US does not stick its nose in Mexico's corrupt and inept governmental affairs, so kindly stick your nose in your own backyard or is the smell just to much to bare? Tijuana comes to mind.

"The referred legislation incurs discriminatory acts against the Mexican population and those of Mexican origin," Aguilar said. "It is a partial measure that fails to resolve the complex phenomenon of immigration between Mexico and the United States in an integral manner."
One thing there gringo, the immigration laws are a Federal issue which we all know that our Reps are failing miserably, so instead of waiting for the Feds to take care of it Georgia has decided as a State, which by the way is legal unlike you criminals in our land, to take care of its own! As a tax payer I applaud them and wish other states would follow suit. Oh and last but not least quit trying to place the race card! We all saw how well it worked for McKinney.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Another incompetent move at the UN

Under threat of United Nations Security Council sanctions for its own nuclear program, Iran has been elected to a vice-chair position on the U.N. Disarmament Commission, whose mission includes deliberations on preventing the spread of nuclear weapons.

...It happened on the same day that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad promised his people "good news" about the country's nuclear program.

The following day, Iran announced that it had managed to enrich uranium, a key ingredient in the production of a nuclear bomb." -- CNSNews

Toss a brick at Congress

Since our government appears unable to spend out tax dollars wisely or have any initiative to secure our borders, let’s just send them the materials needed to build the wall one brick at a time!

Man I bet the Postal Service will be a little upset.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Chicken Little Science

The earth is warming, the earth is warming, but wait, here is yet another piece debunking the Global Warming alarmist. Maybe one day, hopefully in my life time, MSM will actually cover the science of the issue not just those (Al Gore and ABC) who scream the loudest.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Gitmo: Fantasy Island?

De plane de plane: Off steps three young me who once were detains at the media proclaimed Gulag called Gitmo. Now lets hear their story.

Ummm sounds kinda like a little resort. I have yet to hear a positive story from this side of the pond inregards to Gitmo, wonder why? Oh wait I know why, that would because they are too busy
staging Muslims at NASCAR tracks to provoke a reaction. To bad it did not work wonder what will be next? OK I'll say it, those darn tornadoes are Bush's Fault! Check out the high school surveillance camera footage especially!

French tougher compared to the US.

The new immigration bill currently going though the wino's parliament looks like something that our current so called representatives in DC should take look at and implement. So what do you say Kennedy, care to take a look at this versus the bottom of the pond.... oops sorry the correct statment should say bottle?

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Exploding bugs!

Just another example to prove that educators are not as smart as they think they are.