Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Blinded by rage......

Those of us who have served this great country will not take this so lightly as others, I have kept quite about this who ILLEGAL immigrants outcry but this photo is the final straw. If they believe that Mexico is so great, then haul your backsides south of the Rio Grande.

Monday, March 27, 2006

The Few, The Proud, The Retired?

Insert jarhead joke here!

Pardon my French

French President Chirac became so enraged; he left the EU summit meeting when one of his own addressed the delegates in English.

Mr. Chirac, to prevent injury to yourself, do not let the door hit you on the way out! And will someone please lock it after he leaves.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Six pack anyone?

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Be Heard

ABC News is asking viewers to comment on whether the media’s coverage of Iraq has been biased. This is your chance to tell the media—directly—what you think of its ethics, its biases, its approach, and everything else.

(h/t Media Blog)

Time to kill

Perhaps we should have prisoners do something more productive for society rather than sitting on their behinds and entertaining themselves.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Law & Order: STUPID

Following the lead of the other elitist holier than thou self congratulatory moonbats, Richard Belzer, states that all of our volunteer military consist of people who could not find employment and are uneducated, he further stated that just because they are in Iraq, they really do not know what is going in Iraq, since they do not read 20 newspapers a day. So if you went to college or are currently enrolled in college according to fart knocker boy that time spent hitting the books is a waste of your time, instead head over to the local Starsmuck’s buy 20 newspapers kick back and read them and ******hocus pocus******your are a intellectual with the credentials to back it up, and add combat correspondant to your resume too! Wonder what Pat Tillman would say?

Funny thing about Mr. Belzer, he could not hack it at a junior college, and joined the Army. Once he stated his stint in the Army, he realized that he did not have the moxie for the Army way of life and tried to get out early, unsuccessfully I might add. Is there some resentment for being held to a commitment he made to Uncle Sam? Or just maybe that his observations of the current makeup of the armed forces mimic his little pathetic teen years to the “T” and he was just sharing those adolescence years as some form of Michael Moore therapy?

Monday, March 20, 2006

Your Tax Dollars at Work

Warning, warning!!! May not be suitable for work, this video includes military victory dancing and verbal celebration, you have been warned.

(thanks to Junkyardblog)

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Religion of Peace and Tolerance Parade

Friday, March 17, 2006

Court is in session II

I know that I complained about Supreme Court Justice Ruth Ginsburg little sleeping episode last week. But after her recent speech in South Africa, which she argued explicitly for the relevance of foreign law and court decisions to interpretation of the American Constitution, I think that it is in our best interest if she would just stay asleep!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

DNA in Space?

Twisted double-helix nebula found in Milky Way.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

The French Connection - UN style.

The organization that consists of internal rot, decay and corruption, once again is caught in yet another scandal. And to no surprise the winos are into it up to their wine sipping pie holes (mouth for you civilian types). As stated earlier it is time to shut the door on this ruinous UNorganized circus.


For those of us who believe that we are already being taxed to death by our own government, take a look at what Anna and the winos are trying to push down everyone's throat, yes, this includes you whether you know it or not! So pull your collective heads out of the sand and let your representatives know that you agree or disagree with what the UN has in store for our country and the rest of the world. Long Live Annan......

Terrorist organization identified on US soil.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Promoting violence = Jail time.....about time!

From the AP:

Dutch judges convicted nine men Friday of belonging to a terrorist group, a landmark verdict that concludes promoting a violent version of Islam can itself be an act of terrorism. [emphasis added]

The case opens a new way for prosecutors to stop potential terrorists and for the Netherlands to tackle the broader problem of the spread of radicalism among Muslim youth.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Thursday, March 09, 2006

The "Religion of Peace" in bad lighting?

The results of a new Washington Post/ABC News poll on American attitudes toward Islam and Muslims are in, and-drum roll please!—about half of us think that Islam is a violent faith. What are the other half thinking?

Conservative and liberal experts said Americans' attitudes about Islam are fueled in part by political statements and media reports that focus almost solely on the actions of Muslim extremists.

Really? What I am thinking!? I thought that maybe, just maybe, it was the constant attacks on infidels and the West's way of thinking that influence my perception of the Islamic faithful. decide.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

One "Harm and Pain" Nuke on the way.

Global Lie Exposed

This should stop global whining; then again it also shows what many of us know, you can extrapolate and interpret data to fit your preconceived hypotheses. Something true scientist would never do, except if you need more grant money, right?

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Court is in Session

Wish I had a job tha allowed me to nap!

And the light bulb turns on, ding!

Just in case you may have missed it, John Kerry stated that the UN needs to be strengthed and reformed to handle today situations. Talk about a revelation! How about dismantling it and using the funds to build more nukes since, we are going to need them!

Launch codes please......

With theses statements, who in their right mind would trust them? Then again we all know the answer to that one, don’t we?

Monday, March 06, 2006

If it's good for the goose

Can you hear that? Nope neither can I, the demies have been screaming bloody murder that outsourcing is bad for years, and now their beloved palace of peace has decided it should also outsource jobs. Then again we really can not call it outsourcing when Anna's son get's the job, now can we?

Friday, March 03, 2006

Vulcan Logic

Damn it Jim, he's a Vulcan not a shell-shocked Marine!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Queer nation is born.

I believe that it is about time to build a wall at the US-Mexico border as well as one around Gay Frisco. The Frisco clan appears to have lost touch with reality, so I propose that we put them out of their misery or we can build a fence letting them rot in their own little utopia.

Then again I would hate to waste a perfectly good nuke on them.