Saturday, May 28, 2005


The U.S. Mint is minting a commemorative silver dollar for the Marine Corps. The front will feature the Marine display of the Iwo Jima Memorial and the reverse will display the Eagle, Globe and Anchor.

I forgot to mention this coin commemorates the Marine Corps 230th birthday. Happy early Birthday fellow Jarheads.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Churchill to receive “Teaching Recognition Award"

The Denver Post's love affair with Churchill continues
CU students' vote favors Churchill, but award withheld

Asked to nominate their favorite professor, students at the University of Colorado at Boulder overwhelmingly picked Ward Churchill. Yet the controversial figure's award is being withheld, in part, due to his tendency to "antagonize and create enemies," the head of the CU alumni association said.

Only at the tail end of the article do we learn that the award was voted on by only 6.9% percent of CU's student body (2085 out of 29,258), that it was an online poll, and that the alumni association administers the award, and so has every right to withhold it.

Hattip: Private Ballerina

Thursday, May 26, 2005

UN accomplishes nothing as usual

Another pointless United Nations conference draws to a close, having achieved absolutely nothing: Diplomat Tries to Salvage U.N. Conference.

UNITED NATIONS - The job of trying to salvage a monthlong conference to tighten controls on nuclear arms, now down to its final two days, rested in the hands of its Brazilian president on Thursday.

Sergio de Queiroz Duarte had little to work with, since the conference’s three main committees, caught in a crossfire of issues ranging from Iran’s nuclear centrifuges to U.S. weapons plans, all failed to produce consensus recommendations for the full conference to adopt.

“There’s no hope for a consensus final document,” a key player said privately after meeting Wednesday with the Brazilian diplomat, who may have to settle for issuing a preside

Recruiters run the War in Iraq.

Since we all know that the recruiters are in control of the strategic planning and the operation control of all units involved in the War in Iraq, students are protesting at the recruiting stations. Thus showing the true ignorance of the students, and proving that partying on their parents’ dime is truly a waste! An Armed Forces Recruiter has no more control over the War in Iraq or Afghanistan, than I do.

"We want education to be the funding priority of the United States government, not the occupation of a sovereign nation."

Incase I have missed something Iraq is not yet a sovereign nation. Another indication that no matter how much money you throw at education you still can produce idiots!

Monday, May 23, 2005

Those who desecrat the Quran must be tried.

Ok as soon as every Islamic terrorist has been placed in custody for all of the crimes to humanity that they have committed in the last 40 years. Then just maybe I would consider such a camel court to convene. We could always just have "Religion of Peace" scholars here in the US hold the proceedings. At which time I am sure they would be able to demonstrate to the United States that they are a peaceful religion!

From AFP, "Saudi scholars want Islamic court to rule on alleged Quran abuse," thanks to Jihad Watch.

RIYADH - Eighteen Saudi Muslim scholars and thinkers demanded Saturday that those involved in the alleged desecration of the Quran at the US detention facility of Guantanamo Bay be tried by an Islamic court.

“It won’t do any good if the State Department (eventually) apologizes or if it rejects this act, or if its authors are tried,” they said in a statement obtained by AFP.

“That would amount to throwing dust in the eyes as was the case in the trials of those who committed the crimes (of abusing prisoners at Iraq’s) Abu Ghraib jail ... The Islamic nation will not settle for less than the trial (of the Guantanamo culprits) by an Islamic court,” said the mostly Salafi signatories...

“All Muslims are required to strive seriously and consistently to expose the intentions of the aggressor through various media and to revive the boycott of US products,” said the Saudi scholars, who also demanded the release of the Guantanamo detainees...

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Snowcaves can save!

A moment of silence please to morn for those in Chilean military who passed away due negligent, piss poor leadership and lack of training .................................

Pickle Meadows is one of the three training grounds for the Marines for such extreme weather. The center is cited at 6,762 feet, with elevations in the training areas ranging to just under 12,000 feet. During the winter season (October - April) snow accumulation can rear 6 to 8 feet. Further, severe storms can deposit as much as four feet in a 12 hour period. In a galaxy far, far away, I was with 1st Bn 4th Marines stationed in the Stumps (29 Palms) and trained several times in Pickle Meadow region. I remember one storm that was worse than the Instructors had anticipated and ended up in two man snow caves for several hours! It truly saved our bacon!

So why would they not train the Chile leaders such a simple survival task especially in mountainous region.

Next time you hear that the United States Armed forces are not trained enough to handle a situation remember these poor souls! They truly never had a chance.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Answer Unknown

If you do not know the answer to a question on this test then you may find yourself suspended for 5 days.

"I couldn't think of what to write the essay without making fun of the principal."

It would appear that the kid was showing respect for the principal. That is an outstanding trait in today society for a fourth grader! My better half teaches fourth grade and I have witness first hand the lack of respect most of these poor kids have for authority!

And another thing, have you seen anyone flying past a window lately? Not sure what the question was trying to examine in the students? Creativity maybe, wait I am offended by this question, remember 9/11?

Poor school district is sooooo worried about the students performing for this test. Schools are focusing so hard to cover their collective butts for inability and laziness that resides in the school system these days. And you can not blame all of the teachers for it either, the school administrators and PhD no it alls are the ones to blame. Each year there is so new and wonderful teaching method out that the schools must use! They believe that hard work is well too hard for students to understand and may hurt someone feelings, then the outdated hippy parents call the enemy of the state to sue (ACLU).

Even those pesky little cheese head, wine sipping French get a chuckle when you mention US education!

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

The future and it is scary!

And here is what it will sound like.

Here kitty kitty..........

Lawyers are at it again here in the Pacific Northwest (PNW). I understand that a pet can have value but, special value?

Attaboy Award

We have all heard that the new film with Hanoi Jane and JoHo is a hit. But in one town you will not be able to see this film because the owner refuses to show it.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Crack smoking Fox is at it again.

President Fox stated that the illegal are taking jobs that even the blacks will not do! Needless to say the African American Community is all over him for this one.

So at what point do we as Americans call upon this administration to take control of our borders? And yes, I have voice my reservations about the current illegal immigration issue to this administration. And the usual response has been, “We appreciate your opinion on this delicate matter.” Not we are looking into it and contemplating some sort of plan or series of plans. They are as bad as the Demies with the Social Security issue, they can find everything wrong with the Presidents plan yet unable or capable to formulate they own plan.

The insanity is overwhelming.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Microfag Software

I do not believe that it is up to big businesses to take a position on a subject that is being handled through legislation process. I know that sounds soo naive, however if you are gay and are doing your job then what is the problem?

Not quite positive but I do not believe that a benefits package for an employee includes converges for their live in boyfriend/girlfriend. So why should gays be singled out for this so called protection.

Oh wait I hear the cry of one now, “We are being discriminated just like the blacks were in the 50’s and 60’s.” Well guess what the blacks are not even buying into that one! And another thing you are not riding in the back of the bus, and being barred from restaurants. African Americans can not change the color of their skin but a supposed born gay person can change their sexual orientation!

The latest in the Gay movement here in the PNW wants to have a gay only neighborhood. So does that mean we should regress and have whites or black only neighborhoods again?

Between the Gay Coalition and NAMBLA I am not sure who is worst. But the gays say, “We are not targeted young kids!” Really, here is just one example of the approach that you sneak through our education system without the knowledge of parents! If you were not targeting kids, just like NABLA, then why not go directly to the parents and tell them what you are trying to achieve in the classroom? Because you know it would not fly with the vast majority of the parents.

So Microsoft here is another feather in your hat for becoming the pawns of the degenerates of our society. Keep up the good work! I am sure your stock will reflect it.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005


Once again Jar(egg)head has out done himself! So please have your calculator handy for this one:

Some quacks in Belgium thought it would be terribly amusing to bill the United States government for their medical treatment of an Iraqi girl's injuries. As a jibe against our "illegal" war, you see... Terribly amusing, no?

"We haven't heard from them yet," said Bert De Belder, coordinator of the humanitarian agency Medical Aid for Third World which brought the girl to Belgium.

"I'm curious to know their reaction," he told Reuters. "We're giving them 10 days to respond ... I don't think they will pay it."

Please, allow me to respond:

Dear Belgian Assclowns,

Find attached a check for $66,650.00 in payment for treatment of Ms. Hiba Kassim's injuries. Thank you very much for your competent and timely medical care.

Additionally, on pages 2 through 1,217 of this correspondence, you will find a complete accounting of all equipment, materiel and personnel losses incurred by the United States in the process of removing German occupiers from your country, which you were neither competent nor willing to defend, circa 1944-45. An adjusted-dollar amount, accounting for inflation and a quite reasonable 5% interest, compounded yearly beginning in May of 1945, has been appended. Please don't fret over immediate remediation of the several trillion dollar debt; we'll take a billion a year as good-faith payment--with appropriately compounded additional loan interest, of course. At that rate of payment, you should be completely debt free by the year 6208 A.D. But it's really a very small price to pay for the freedom of your country and people, if you think on it.

A separate accounting, to be transmitted under a following cover, will itemize the costs for rebuilding your country after the war. Finding it all in order, please make reparations soonest.

Faithfully Yours,

The United States

Got Nukes?

Oh this is just too good to pass up. The Dems just have nothing to go on so as usual they will make up anything to portray the Bush administration in a bad light. This time they are trying to paint the picture that it is the Bush administration that is responsible for the North Korean nuclear mess. For eight years the Clinton administration appease NK, including giving them two light water nuclear reactors. Now where do you think NK got the fissionable material to make their bombs from? This editorial gives the full details of the tin foil hat theory.

Democrats and their mainstream media allies have been peddling a new and highly inventive theory about North Korea's nuclear-weapons program: that Pyongyang only makes nukes when Republicans hold the White House.

As the theory goes, North Korea's nuclear ambitions go on holiday when Democrats take office and only return with the election of someone like George W. Bush. If a President John Kerry were in office to hand out concessions to North Korea the way Bill Clinton did, the tyrants in Pyongyang would presumably be rolling out red carpets for the International Atomic Energy Agency and turning their reactor fuel back over to the power plants.

Wow. So let’s just think here for a moment....... Who gave away the candy store to NK? Why do you think that NK wants nothing to do with the 6 nation talks? Well of course, to use it as they did with Slick Willy to try and extort as much as they can with little or no concessions. Kind of reminds me of FDR dealing with Stalin at the Yalta conference.

This whole appeasement theory that the lefties use is just mind boggling. Name one dictator where this theory of butt kissing has changed there views to that of the US! Just one………………………………………….

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

China feels threatened.

The United Nations Commission on Human Rights (UNCHR) is just another example of the incompetence of the UN. Reverend Bob Fu, an advocate for persecuted Christians in China, was bullied out of the UN complex by the Chinese delegate. Why you ask? Well it seems that Bob Fu had an electric-shock baton smuggled out of China and was demonstrating the use of it , which he stated that the Chinese police and interrogators use to torture religious victims.

At this time the Chinese delegate files a complaint to UNCHR that the electric baton made them ‘feel threatened’. Mr. Fu was immediately removed from the building.

I could understand the Chinese delegate’s position if he had actually used it on HIM. Someone please pull the plug on the UNorganized!

Link: Word document

Another link