Saturday, October 29, 2005

You will comply!

That is correct I'm baaaack! (Think ID4) Had to unplug for a few and beat some discipline into the little ones. Now that task has been temporarily accomplish lets see what I have missed.

Looks like the Borg are among us!

Oh and for the classic gamers in the crowd here is a knock-off of Defender. I know Jar(Egg)head it’s not the real thing but hey it’s free.

And finally Congress has passed a bill that will protect the gun manufactures from the renegade legal system and scum of the earth lawyers, who believe that if the manufactures had not produced the gun then little Johnny would not be dead.

**************************Common Sense Alert****************************

Guns do not kill people! As you may have heard but have yet to comprehend people kill people! Go after the individuals who commit the crimes!

Monday, October 17, 2005

Synergetic Racism

Some assembly required.

A judge who declared all public areas of Los Angeles County courthouses “no speech zones” has been hit with a federal civil rights lawsuit.

Suing him is far too lenient, so you ask what may be a suitable punishment in this case.

Verdict: Judge. Tree. Rope.

To severe you say? Well let’s think here: a judge blatantly and willfully violating the highest law of the land.
Yup, the punishment fits the crime I say. Let him swing in his 'no-speech zones'!

Democratic Oppression

Danish Muslims are demanding a retraction and an apology from a Copenhagen newspaper that printed 12 drawings of the prophet Mohammed, reports DR News, a practice that is forbidden under Islamic law.

Members of the Islamic community say the newspaper, Jyllands Posten, is abusing freedom of speech "to enable a democratic oppression of all Muslims in Denmark."

Deposit your money here please.

Sperm donors and dollars needed.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

The new coinsures of French cuisines

We have all heard about the great cuisines of the French, not that I am an expert. However, they are now trying to lure a new type of coinsure for their food. That is correct the Great White Shark is now being treated to a taste snack of French dogs! To bad it’s not the French poodle or the political stooge Jacques Chirac.

Yes, I realize it is not the French goverment however they think all Americans are the same!

Walking on water

We all know that the media in the past few months has been caught red handed with the exaggerations of events. i.e. rapes and murders in the Kingdom, levees being blown up etc...

Now the Today show continues such exaggerations for the ratings.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Penn and Teller on PETA

**********Warning Contains some profanity*********************
PETA has a new enemy in town.

Kennedy's Quagmire

As posted previously Kennedy went on a media rampage with the word quagmire. So what will be his next phrase of the day since the political process moves forward in Iraq. Wait I know, Mary Jo how about one for the road?

For the looney left who continue to only see and hear about the bad things well, this means things are happening for the good of that country and brings us one step close to bringing the boys (and girls) back home.

Humpday Game for work

Here's a numbers game that is addicting, so just go right ahead and waste your employers' time.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

AK and 401k included.

Early CAIR was caught doctoring an image that a third grader would catch. Since it is obvious the lack of web savvy Islamic helpdesk techies are available, al-Qaeda is running ads recruiting for such help.

"Every Muslim knows his life is not his, since it belongs to this violated Islamic nation whose blood is being spilt. Nothing should take precedence over this." We take this to mean that successful applicants should not expect a six-figure salary, 28 days paid leave, a company car or health insurance, although you probably get a company AK-47 thrown in as part of the package.

Hey a free AK-47, not bad, tell you what throw in 2 for 1 matching 401K, the current cell locations throughout the world and you have a deal!

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Visions of a Hamas Future

Start in Frisco I say!

UN denied again! Update, Not so fast they say!

Just when we thought it was over, the World leaders of those who wish to destroy the US are now going to cry to the UN and take control of the net!

What concerns me is that those countries will continue to spread hate toward the US by controlling the content of the internet in their prospective countries.

Boy the liberals would love that, free reign of all media outlets on the web! Maybe then they could get away with something like the Rathergate, but wait according to Mary Mapes when the documents were faxed, it changed the documents (duh), thus confusing the experts.

“Faxing changes a document in so many ways, large and small, that analyzing a memo that had been faxed — -in some cases not once, but twice — -was virtually impossible. The faxing destroyed the subtle arcs and lines in the letters. The characters bled into each other. The details of how the typed characters failed to line up perfectly inside each word were lost.”

Let’s review here: You got caught red handed idiots!

Now where was I? Oh, the countries that want to control free speech....sorry I mean the internet. Of course all of those countries are spouting the same company line crap as below:

Hendon is also adamant: "The really important point is that the EU doesn't want to see this change as bringing new government control over the internet. Governments will only be involved where they need to be and only on issues setting the top-level framework."

And would that top level frame work in China be censorship?

From the pages of Wikipedia:

Censorship is the control of speech and other forms of human expression, often in the context of government control. It is most commonly applied to acts which occur in public circumstances, and generally involves a suppression of them by criminalizing their expression. What is censored may range from specific words to entire concepts, and the ostensible motive of censorship is to stabilize or improve the society over which the government has control.

Sounds almost like the current movement in the US in regards to the Religion of Peace.

China, one of the most anti-free speech countries in the world, and a leading proponent of strict internet regulation, apparently does not approve of keeping the status quo, and provides a laughable response to this prospect:

"This situation is very undemocratic, unfair and unreasonable," said Sha Zukang, the ambassador from China, which this week imposed new rules that allow only "healthy and civilized" news to be read by the mainland's 100 million Web users.


In its ever ending quest to control the US and the rest of the globe, the UN once again has been denied access by the US to control World Wide Web. As stated in the article “the internet governance historically has been the role of the United States, because it created the original system and funded much of its early development.”

The dysfunctional organization was originally turned down earlier this summer by the US government so now they are pleading their case to the International Community; better know as those who hate America. We invented it (sorry Al Gore) and deployed it with our money, so I think it is ours to control. Imagine if the US demanded control of your precious Oil for Food program.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Clinton: the gift that keeps on giving

From the New York Daily News:

WASHINGTON - The independent counsel investigation that led to the conviction of a former Clinton administration housing chief could come back to haunt Sen. Hillary Clinton.

The Daily News has learned that lawyers are fighting to suppress a potentially embarrassing final report from the probe that found Housing Secretary Henry Cisneros lied to the FBI about paying $250,000 in hush money to his ex-mistress.

Cisneros paid a $10,000 fine after he was found guilty in 1999 and was later pardoned by Bill Clinton. And though neither Hillary Clinton nor her husband was targeted by independent counsel David Barrett, his 420-page final report sent to a special court 13 months ago will include alleged abuses of power by his administration, sources told The News.

After Cisneros was convicted, Barrett started looking into allegations that the IRS and Justice Department aides stymied a tax fraud case against the disgraced Housing and Urban Development secretary and audited Clinton critics. (more)

Lefty Looney Tunes

San Francisco Anti-War Rally on September 24, 2005

I guess she's the expert on incompetance.

The Dems and the good ol' days.


Will build fence for food.

I thought the Minuteman project would really open the eyes of our Government. However, the only eyes that they opened were the Mexican government, illegal aliens already here and the good ole Patriotic ACLU.

So now another organization is calling for a fence to be constructed stretching the full length of the border, and the cost you might ask. Well it would be equivalent to that of 4 B2 bombers.

And with the twisted way I think after being a contractor and working with contractors, to lower the price tag I would use Mexican laborers, boy would that piss off the crack smoking president of Mexico! I think it would be money well spent.

Equality of Islamic Law.

An Islamic guy walks into a barn and spots the love of his life. Sounds like the beginning of a joke to me.

A man has been jailed for three months after admitting having sex on a regular basis with a female camel.

The man, a Bangladeshi national, was in Ras Al Khaimah in the United Arab Emirates on a work visa and was employed as a driver. He was spotted by his employer going to the barn on a number of occasions. His employer followed him at one time and discovered him about to have sex with his camel.

The owner took him to the police station where he was arrested and charged with bestiality. His defence was that he had fallen in love with the camel.

The man will now spend three months in jail before being deported back to Bangladesh. His lover though will be put down in accordance with Islamic law. A representative of the Public Prosecution will be in attendance.

Islamic law contains a provision for the execution of a victim of bestiality? We know how they treat their women; if a woman is raped the woman is blamed for it for “tempting” the man, and is from that point on considered unclean and dishonored. So a guy screws a camel, and they kill the camel? And Islamic law has rules for this? Maybe Islamic men would be less tempted by the sexual wiles of the camel if all camels were required to wear head-to-toe veils.

Harriet, Sweet Harriet

It’s Harriet Miers.

President Bush on Monday nominated White House counsel Harriet Miers to replace retiring Justice Sandra Day O’Connor on the Supreme Court, reaching into his inner circle for a pick that could reshape the nation’s judiciary for years to come.

“She has devoted her life to the rule of law and the cause of justice,” Bush said, announcing his choice from the Oval Office with Miers at his side. “She will be an outstanding addition to the Supreme Court of the United States.”

If confirmed by the Republican-controlled Senate, Miers, 60, would join Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg as the second woman on the nation’s highest court and the third to serve there. Miers, who has never been a judge, was the first woman to serve as president of the Texas State Bar and the Dallas Bar Association.

I’m really not in any position to comment here, because I don’t know a thing about the woman. That being said, check out the BBC article on the nomination. They conveniently neglect to mention any of Miers’ qualifications for the post, but made sure to include this important information.

Ms Miers, 60, has been serving as President Bush’s top legal counsel since November 2004.

She also served on Mr Bush’s gubernatorial campaign in 1994 - and again during his presidential election of 2000.

That’s right, folks. Her legal abilities, her professional experience, apparently none of this is newsworthy. But pointing out the fact that she worked on Bush’s campaigns, well, that’s vastly important. See, they can’t defame the candidate directly, so they do it via the omission of her qualifications and by tying her to Bush.

Ah, the good old BBC, where bias is Job 1.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Agent 86 has passed

Don Adams, 82, the television comedian best known for playing a bumbling secret agent on the 1960s spy spoof "Get Smart," died Sept. 25 at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. He had lymphoma and a lung infection.

You may ask why I would post this, why of course he is a United States Marine. He served in WW2 and was awarded the Purple Heart for injuries received during the Guadalcanal invasion.

One of the many memorable exchange had Smart trying to pass for a music expert.

"I once listened to three weeks of Beethoven," Smart says.
"I don't believe it," another character says.
"Would you believe two weeks of Brahms?"
"A day of Looney Tunes?"

See you at the Pearly Gates one day Leatherneck!