Wednesday, July 20, 2005

European Union-style government for the Americas

Merger with Mexico imminent?

Party Poopers

Update: VFW lodge trashed by the Brown Beret's for serving Minutemen/Women food and drinks.

And here is finally a MSM article.

Earlier post below:

Once again the left leaning, falling over drunken Ted Kennedy wannabes in the MSM have missed the mark. This week the Minutemen/ Women start another observation of the illegal activities, where incase you just fell turnip truck, was recently born, or just happen to stumble onto this blog site, they are now observing the California/Mexican border near Campo, California for unauthorized border crossings.

So just like with any good get together you kick things off with what the article calls a steak fry, but as well all know it really called a Barbeque!

Now the BBQ was on private property so what did the local town idiots, and one University of California, Riverside, Ethnic Studies Professor, Armando Navarro do. Well they began trespassing on private property to disrupt this legal activity. And you may ask where the police were? That's right they were there and did nothing, well except to instruct the Minutemen/Women to go inside, close the blinds and hide.

Now my Marine side of the brain thinks that something is wrong here. Facts: I am on my own property, I am having a BBQ minding my own business not braking any laws when uninvited guest show up, disturbing the peace, and I am the one the police asked to go inside to hide on my own property. Yeah right.

Try that at some Marine’s house, if you are uninvited I would give you say a 99% chance that you would be escorted off the property with bruises, if not dragged out after you have received an incentive to leave via a serve hazing about the head and neck region.

Oh the ACLU was there too. Of course they stated a report would be filed. Thinking……………………who cares you (ACLU) are worse than those town idiots!

Man becomes Jaws.

Here is a nice little toy.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

MSM lies of 2005

The Casandra Page has been compling a list of MSM lies for the year 2005.

Earth is under attack......

For all those worried about our natural resources, global warming and those evil conservatives, this website is a place to ease your feeble little minds

Oh and for those worried about the escalating cost of prescription drugs please check out the advertisement for a bucket of pills.

Hillary Clinton On Illegal Immigration

See if you can spot the inconsistency here:

"I am, you know, adamantly against illegal immigrants." -- Hillary Rodham Clinton, Feb 11, 2003

"Speaking to the nations' largest Hispanic civil rights organization, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., received a standing ovation Monday when she vowed her support for legislation that would allow illegal immigrant high school students to attend college." -- July 18, 2005

Oh, yeah, Hillary is about as tough on illegal immigrants as she is on Bill for his serial adultery...

Monday, July 18, 2005

UN shredfest continues

From the pages of LGF....

Body Armor to the rescue

An amazing video confiscated from Iraqi terrorist shows a US soldier targeted by a sniper, with an unexpected conclusion: CG Sniper Video.

UPDATE at 7/18/05 11:45:52 am:

The full story of this incident is even more amazing: Soldier survives attack; captures, medically treats sniper.

Rapping Terrorist and TSA

Enjoy the unemployment terrorist. Oh you are not one of them? Well then, do no act like one!

“Well, I'm going to play along with that character. I'm going to let you think I'm one."

Good, I think there is still room at the all inclusive island resort of Gitmo, where your accommodations will be picked up by the American taxpayers. And by the way, hope you enjoy Palestine once the military has released you. Since your rapping is based upon terrorist activities you should become very wealthy in Palestine. But if all else fails you can become a suicide bomber and get paid!

Ooops…. Sorry, but we have Saddam now so guess you’re screwed, enjoy the virgins instead idiot.

Monday productivity

A little game to kill the Monday morning blues.

Who's to blame?

Some of you may claim the first amendment for this, but take a look at the young man’s life and the parent’s statements.

"He was brought up in church, and he knows right from wrong," Doc Staley said.

So who is to blame? The church? I do not think so; man has been and will always be evil!

Doc Staley said his son has been "floundering around" since dropping out of high school. "This is where the drinking came in. And he's not very good at it," the father said.

Next, the parents? If a kid drops out of high school most likely it is the environment that has caused and allows him to rebel. So in short yes, I would blame the parents.

Now about the drinking thing, the parents comment “he is not very good at it.” Well duh….. he is underage an in addition I do not believe that I have ever meet a drunk who could handle mass amounts of alcohol without acting like a buffoon. And yes, my pervious experiences as a Marine make me an expert on that subject, both from observations and consumption to include, being the buffoon on occasions.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Is There Any Room for Education at the NEA?

As most of you are aware my wife is a teacher here in Oregon, and on many occasions she has complained about the inept union in which she is required to belong to for teaching. Considering the dire circumstances of Oregon schools and the United States monopoly known as "public education" - Let's see what the largest, tax-exempt teacher's union, the NEA had to say at the conclusion of its annual meeting in Los Angeles:
To participate in a national boycott of Wal-Mart (Two resolutions);

To fight efforts to privatize Social Security (nine separate resolutions);

To add the words "other" and "multi-ethnic" in addition to "unknown" in the category of ethnicity on all forms; (Why ask at all?)

To commemorate the "historic merger of the National Education Association and the American Teachers Association, which occurred in 1966";

To expose health problems associated with "fragrance chemicals"; (I assume this means perfumes. Another resolution called for designating areas of NEA meetings as "fragrance-free zones.");

To fight indoor air pollution (two resolutions);

To make health care an organizational priority;

To expand efforts to elect pro-public education candidates to Congress in 2006;

To promote the designation of April as National Donate Month to promote organ and tissue donation;

To push for a commemorative stamp honoring public education;

To push for more collective bargaining; (You mean there is not enough?)

To study the feasibility of a boycott of Gallo wine (A separate resolution banned the serving of Gallo wine at any NEA functions.);

To develop a strategic program to help NEA Republican members advance a pro-public education agenda with the party;

To defend affirmative action and oppose the Michigan Civil Rights Amendment;

To oppose the annual observance of "Take Your Child to Work Day" during the regular school year; (I do not know what to say on this silly idea!)

To oppose all forms of privatization;

To investigate the establishment of affordable housing programs for members;

To respond aggressively to any inappropriate use of the words "retarded" or "gay" in the media; (Good, I can go back to calling them homo's now)

To fight the "regressive taxation practices of the federal government";

To support education programs for prisoners and former prisoners;(The electric chair appears to work just fine)

To support research on women and heart disease;

To push for an "exit strategy to end the U.S. military occupation of Iraq";(IF they support the troops this should not be a problem)

To oppose the Central American Free Trade Agreement;

To push for debt cancellation in underdeveloped countries;(Take more money from the tax payers and receive nothing in return just like sending our kids to school!)

To teach children about the "significant history of labor unions";

To develop a comprehensive strategy of support for homosexuality;(Not at any school my children will attend!)

To educate the public and members about identity theft;(Pot calling the kettle black I say, NEA?)

To explore alternatives to using latex balloons and gloves at NEA functions.

Silly me, like most Americans, I thought the National Education Association had something to do with education. 70+ resolutions and barely 8.7% of the resolutions actually have anything to do with classroom education.

Oh, I'm sorry... by classroom, I mean a room inside of a school with desks and students. Perhaps the NEA should change its name to the National Indoctrination Association, this way us average folk would at least get a clue as to their mission.

Hopefully someday their will be a spin-off of the NEA called "Teachers Teaching", the logo would have a "T" with a little "2" in the corner. A novel logo for the novel idea of teaching kids. I can hardly wait to see what comes out of next year's National Education Association meeting - perhaps a resolution:
To substitute an anti-nausea medication for the Kool-Aid at NEA functions.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Fourth Seal found.

CNN reports that the body of the last missing Navy SEAL has been recovered in Afghanistan. He died fighting and was never captured. He died the same way the two other SEALS did who were found a few days earlier. RIP. One SEAL escaped, wounded. Wretchard explains what this means, and celebrates the American fighting man.

U-235 against Global Warming

For those worried about climate change, greenhouse gas emissions and the so called global warming thing, here’s a quiz: Which nation has the lowest greenhouse gas emissions per dollar of economic output?

France. (Yes and I too thought I would never say anything positive of France)

How is that possible you may ask? Simple: they generate 70 percent of their electricity with—gasp!!--nuclear power, which has no greenhouse gas emissions. That is correct the “N” word!

So should we suggest a rather obvious strategy? If the industrialized world is serious about greenhouse gas emissions then the use of nuke plants should be the new in thing for the hippies to hug. Could you just imagine seeing a tree hugging hippie VW (Volkswagen) with "Nukes not Love" stickers on them.

The Economist has more to say about this very idea here.

Protection not needed

To continue on the bashing of the lefties, here is just another set of examples of how they are supporting our troops.

This article sums up the biggest anti-military groups in the country and how they're working together to cripple our military by holding violent protests at college campuses to kick recruiters out, by telling minority children outrageous, racially motivated lies that they are fighting for the "white man", and that military recruiting is a "poverty draft". Do these moonbats think that Iraq will be this country's last war? And if no one joins who will protect those rights you say you love so dearly?

You can take a further look at Discover the Network and search for the various individual's names or group names from this article, to find out exactly who they are associated with and who funds them.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Protection needed when the Left supports troops

Just incase you missed this one, which you may have, but not because you were not paying attention, a Navy Seal may have be beheaded. What I would like to know where is that great MSM (Main Stream Media) machine and the Kennedy liberals at now?

They cry when the Abu Gihrab and Gitmo detainees supposedly mistreated and in the process to investigate the alleged mistreatment they spent millions to find nothing. The only way the radical Left would jump onto this case is if the Navy Seal's relative is a radical Leftist who would blame the death of his relative on Bush just as Nick Berg's father did.

Most lefties start every speech with the words, “We support the troops”. First of all, if they actually did support our soldiers they wouldn’t feel the need to keep reminding us how much they “support” the efforts of our young men and women in uniform. Support from liberals has come in some pretty unusual forms. Bill Clinton cut the pay of servicemen to the point where a large percentage of military personal needed to go on food stamps. They followed this up by dismantling the intelligence departments through the 90’s, and had the hubris to complain about the lack of intelligence before 9/11 and the Iraq war. As an encore, the Clintons along with Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright gave North Korea the very nuclear technology they are now threatening us with. There is a chance that American soldiers will eventually lose their lives in North Korea cleaning up this mess. Why is it when a liberal supports our military it always resembles a swift kick to the groin??

Thursday, July 07, 2005

How do you feel?

This Brit like many Americans is fed up with the media’s tactics after events which involve the loss of property or life.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Boycott yourself

Just great here comes the union trying once again to destroy something that they can not get their greedy little hands on. Unions had a positive impact say 40 years ago but now they are more of a nuisance at best.

To combat Wal-Mart anti union stance, the union has recruited strategists from the 2004 Howard Dean and Wesley Clark campaigns, wait did one of them win? Oh, so let’s hire losers for losers and campaign against the Evil Wal-Mart. Here is my favorite complaint by these miss guided losers:

"Exploitation of sweatshop labor and foreign–sourced labor."

Oh is that so, have you ever tried to buy a cordless drill that was made in the USA? So while you guys are brow beating Wal-Mart you might as well add every other department story in the US! Idiots.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Results from a quagmire?

US delight as Iraqi rebels turn their guns on al Qa’eda.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Minutemen to the Rescue again.

LGF says it all.

US snubs the UN for control over the internet

Incase you missed the original post. Below is the followup to the on going battle for the net.

From India Daily:

[Michael D Gallagher, assistant secretary for communications and information at the US Commerce Department] said the declaration was in response to growing security threats and increased reliance on the Internet globally for communications and commerce.

The computers in question serve as the Internet's master directories and tell Web browsers and e-mail programmes how to direct traffic. Internet users around the world interact with them every day, likely without knowing it. Policy decisions could at a stroke make all Web sites ending in a specific suffix essentially unreachable.

Though the computers themselves - 13 in all, known as "root" servers - are in private hands, they contain government-approved lists of the 260 or so Internet suffixes, such as ". In 1998, the Commerce Department selected a private organisation with international board members, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), to decide what goes on those lists. Commerce kept veto power, but indicated it would let go once ICANN met a number of conditions.

Thursday's declaration means Commerce would keep that control, regardless of whether and when those conditions are met.

Sonia Joshi, the author of the editorial in India Daily made the following observation:

The decision can be good and bad. ... The bad side of this that America ignored calls by some countries to turn the function over to an international body. But the good side is that America is and will be the best protector and supervisor of these computers given the cyber security threats.

It seems these foreign publications don't automatically assume America is evil, the way so many publication here in America do. That's refreshing. The truth is, Americans like freedom and as long as America is in control of the internet it will remain free, both from monetarily dues as well as the freedom of speech. Unlike Communist China which censors internet access to its (which also has a powerful voice in the UN) the US has left the internet free and open. Would we really want some kind of perverted “Commission” like the UN Commission of Human Rights (which has some of the world's worst human rights violators as its members) to oversee the internet?

Friday, July 01, 2005


A columnist for Newsday (Long Island, New York) thinks that CNN should hire Dan Rather. Among the author's arguments is that Dan Rather would bring "credibility" to CNN. Is it legal to have Rather and credibility in the same sentence?

Friday Fun.