Tuesday, April 26, 2005

L.A. now in Mexico?

Ok the other language people have stepped over the line now. This billboard in LA is anti American at best. I wish someone in this weak Republican Party could please explain to us the American people, what the hold up is on immigration reform and/or securing our borders. He is a list of numerous polls related to such subjects and from my limited capacity as a Jarhead (sorry JT) it would appear that the American public would like some changes made. So how about it President Bush!

And speaking of borders remember when the MSM stated that the Minuteman project had caused problems for the Boarder Patrol by setting of sensors. Wrong! It was the ACLU (Enemy of the State) spying on the Minuteman that caused the extra workload for our boarder patrol agents. Or at least that is what Mike Albon, a spokesman for U.S. Border Patrol Local 2544 stated.

That billboard offends me as Veteran and as a American. Maybe I could sue, how about it ACLU? Got some extra time on you hands now that the Minuteman project is winding down? I’m so pissed my head hurts, I think that called mental anguish right? Pay up Mexico $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Oh and Clear Channel too.

Top 10 Reasons Churchill Should Not Be Fired

10. He makes all other Ethnic Studies professors look positively sane.
9. CU just wouldn't be the same respected and revered institution of higher learning without him.
8. He would have more time to write.
7. He would have more time to write.
6. If he were fired, dozens of anarcho-marxist chicken-hat-wearing vegan scrotum-inflaters across the nation might do something rash.
5. Two words: Affirmative Action.
4. People in the burgeoning cottage industry of Churchill-loathing blogs would have to shut down and find productive jobs.
3. The US's plans to get out of North America and off the planet would be thrown into disarray.
2. News coverage of Jacko's trial would be uninterrupted.
1. Scholarship, integrity, and objective reasoning would have a chance of gaining acceptance in Ethnic Studies--and that would just be wrong.

From the pages of Pirateballerina

"Star Wars" Downsizes

It was sad day when Paramount announced that there would not be a 5th season for Enterprise. But George Lucas to the rescue, Star Wars for the small screen is coming to a station near you soon!

Catch me if you can. Duh..............

Ever wonder why people look at you differently when you are on your bike? Well here is one reason. Most motorists just assume that you do crap like this idiot if you are on a bike.

Glad they caught this punk, and it is poetic justice that his dog gave him up! I hope that he gets some serious jail time. However, with the liberal court systems in Florida I am sure he is already out of jail riding his bike around harassing citizens!

Oh during a search of his apartment they found an application for the Florida Highway Patrol. Guess he will not get that job.

Monday, April 25, 2005

UN turns 60 today!

Hopefully it will be its last birthday. It's dying a painful death of internal rot, decay and corruption.

Ants with cunning

This is impressive: "A fierce species of Amazonian ant has been seen building elaborate traps on which hapless prey are stretched like medieval torture victims, before being slowly hacked to pieces."

Hattip: No Left Turns

Holy exploding frogs Batman!

Hope the legs are still good!

Hey Carter, Stingy?

STINGINESS UPDATE: Over a billion dollars in private tsunami relief from Americans. And thanks to Chuck Simmins for keeping track.

Carter's remarks earlier this month: Carter: Rich States ‘Don’t Give a Damn’ About Poor.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

"objectivity and balance"

Lefties crying foul over PBS! These guys have held on to NPR and PBS for so long they actualy thought they owned it.

ACLU says, "Homosexuals good, Christians bad."

The Anti Christian League is at it again. But this time with a twist, they are backtracking on a ruling that went in their favor a few years ago. But behold if a Christian organization wants to be a club on campus the law must be repealed!

"The ACLU is obviously engaged in religious bigotry – in cases concerning homosexual groups, they argue that Prince fully applies, but now, when it clearly applies, using the ACLU's own standard, to a religious club, they are seeking to overturn the Prince decision," he said.


Friday, April 22, 2005

A Beautiful Thing!

As an owner of a Dobie this shows the true character of the breed. They are not just canine they are a family member and will let you know.

This comes from Indigo Insights -

This photograph shows a red Doberman kissing an exhausted fireman.

He had just saved her from a fire in her house, rescuing her by carrying her out of the house into her front yard, while he continued to fight the fire. She is pregnant. The firefighter was afraid of her at first, because he had never been around a Doberman before.

When he finally got done putting the fire out, he sat down to catch his breath and rest. A photographer from the Charlotte, North Carolina newspaper, "The Observer," noticed this red Doberman in the distance looking at the fireman. He saw her walking straight toward the fireman and wondered what she was going to do.

As he raised his camera, she came up to the tired man who had saved her life and the lives of her babies, and kissed him, when the photographer snapped this photograph:

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

George Soros' Five-Year Plan

Geoge Soros is going to do everything he can to ensure that his hand picked candidates evenrtually are elected and in control of the United States. From pushing campaign finance reform, which he promptly used a loophole in to funnel millions into in an attempt to elect John Kerry, to funding a so called "constitutional convention" at Yale, now he is organizing this self called Phoenix Group. It would seem that the sole purpose of this group is to get liberal, leftist and dem candidates elected. Hans Nichols has more on this in his commentary.

Hattip: Sailor

Fall off you bike? Well sue someone!

I can not even start on this one! Brain hurts does not compute.

A True Sci Fi Connoisseur’s dream

In a galaxy far far away, ok never mind. A Star Wars marathon in London ending with the opening of ST #3 Return of the Sith is taken place 3 days prior to debut in the US and UK.

Come on George this should happen here in the US not in the land of the tea and crumpets! Not sure I could get away for 14 hours from the wife and kids. But I would try every excuse in the book to pull it off.

While we are talking ST, thanks to a fellow Jarhead, here is 40 minute short film that has been produced by some very determined individuals! Of course it takes a few minutes to download but its well worth it. If you prefer to consult a review of the short film prior to viewing, here is an article for you.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Justice for Jane Fonda?

Not that I think this is the best way to handle a traitor, but she did have it coming!

In an interview with the Kansas City Star, Smith said Fonda was a "traitor" who had been spitting in the faces of war veterans for years.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Jihad comes to Small Town, USA.

Here’s a very unsettling account by Laura Mansfield of her experience at a “special informational presentation on God and family values” held in a small mosque in the deep South: Jihad comes to Small Town, USA. (Hat tip: Jihad Watch.)

Monday, April 18, 2005

UN playing games?

The UN World Food Programme (WFP) needs to practice it’s on game. That is correct citizens; the UN has a game to help indoctrinate your kids and teachers with a planning guide to be used in classroom settings to teach your children to help rape and ….oh wait that’s the real UN not the game.

This so called game is used to indoctrinate players by pulling at their emotional strings, you know, like the Sallie Struthers commercials. “Timothy has not eating in a week, please send money and help feed his village.” But with the UN twist, “We here at the UN are doing our best to rape, (sorry another slip I meant to say) stop world hunger.” As the off camera crew chokes down another ham sandwich.

Not only is Kofi worried, but the UNorganized as a whole is also concerned about their status as a World Power which appears to be in jeopardy.

Alex, I’ll take Defunct Organization for $2,000.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Kofi hang on, helps on the way.

Looks as like Kofi's little boy was involved with just more than the Oil for Food Scandal!

But what help is on the way. Clinton’s gang has been grooming Kofi to teach him how to deflect American criticism.

Honor Killing in Amsterdam

AMSTERDAM — An Iraqi-Kurdish man, 21, is suspected of murdering his sister, 18,to protect the honour of the family, a court in Arnhem heard on Friday.

During a pre-trial hearing, the presiding judge indicated the court wanted to question the victim’s foster mother and aunt to establish if the killing was ordered by her family in Iraq.

The foster mother is in hiding because she fears the family in Iraq wants to punish her for giving the victim too much freedom.

The court has also ordered that the accused man from Culemborg be examined in the Pieter Baan psychiatric centre in Utrecht to find out if his cultural background played a role in the crime. An expert in ‘honour’ killings will also testify at a later hearing.

The victim was a non-practising Muslim and had a child in 2004 by her non-Muslim boyfriend. She was killed 15 days after the birth of the baby.

Her brother had allegedly regularly threatened the victim, and she had made a complaint to police in November 2004, shortly before her death.


So let me get this straight an expert for honor killings. And where do you suppose they would find such and “expert”? So much for the Qur’an’s explicit emphasis on the equality of women and men before God:

And their Lord has accepted of them and answered them, “Never will I suffer to be lost the work of any of you, whether male or female, you are members, one of another…” (3:195; see also 33:35)

But once again it is a religion of PEACE!


Kofi, It's not My fault!

The United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan is feeling persecuted. Yesterday he blamed the Oil-For-Food scandal on the United States and Britain, and Britain isn’t happy about it: UK hits back at oil scandal claims.

Britain has hit back at UN claims that it turned a blind eye to illegal oil smuggling during Saddam Hussein’s regime in Iraq. Bill Rammel, the Foreign Office Minister, has insisted that Britain consistently upheld international sanctions against the Iraqi dictator.

Kofi Annan, the United Nations secretary general, has accused Britain and the US of turning a blind eye to illegal oil smuggling in the 1990s, allowing the regime to make billions of dollars. He said that Baghdad had earned far more from the illicit trade than from kickbacks under the UN’s oil-for-food programme.

Mr Annan said that Britain and the US could have stopped the smuggling but failed to act because the countries involved - Turkey and Jordan - were key Western allies.

Mr Rammell insisted that Britain had fully supported the sanctions regime. He hit back at Mr Annan, saying that the UN needed to learn the lessons of the inquiry by former US Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker into the oil-for-food programme.

“We have been co-operating fully with the Volcker inquiry. And what I do know is that his interim report actually makes criticisms of the UN management system and not of national governments,” he said.

Ok Kofi who’s son was a the center of the investigation? This UNorganized international train wreck is about at the end of the its track. Just wished it would jump already.

Of course lets not forget so soon about this screw-up from the Unorganized troops who are their to protect, instead they took advantage of helpless women and children. Please let’s give them more of my hard earned tax paying dollars to rape and pillage err…. I mean protect the interest of the International community.

Carter: We're Stingy and We Don't Give a Damn

From the pages of LGF:

America’s most disgraceful ex-president bashes his own country again: Carter: Rich States ‘Don’t Give a Damn’ About Poor. (Hat tip: Kyer.)

ATLANTA (Reuters) - Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter on Thursday harshly criticized his own country and other wealthy states for being stingy with foreign aid and said in rich countries “We really don’t give a damn.”

In a speech to a human rights conference in Atlanta, Carter said increasing financial assistance was critical to battling malaria, AIDS and other common diseases that disproportionately affect the poorest parts of the world.

“Unfortunately, in the rich countries like ours, we really don’t give a damn,” said Carter, who was president from 1977 to 1981 and who won a Nobel Peace Prize in 2002.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Chirac scared.

French President Jacques Chirac is up in arms over the possible failure to convince the Frenchies to vote yes on the European Constitution. He is so afraid that he has resorted to a German Nationalism scare tactics. He has stated that if they do not vote yes, it will greatly benefit the US.

Mexican army and ACLU aid illegal aliens.

Continuation of the Minuteman Project..

It has been so successful that a few organizations are trying to help the Illegal scum into our country. First is the Mexican Army. Yup you heard me citizens. They are transportation both the Illegal immigrants and the SCUM of the earth Drug runners to locations that are not being patrolled by the Minutemen. Additional help is being provided by the Enemy of the State (ACLU) by warning would be detainees that the area that they are trying to cross in being patrolled.

A Marine's invitation.

A Marine currently in Iraq heard about a demonstration at his college called a "Die In" , so he decided to write his school with a little bit of reality. Love the smack at ole Michael Moore too.

Hat tip : Obnoxious Droppings

Donald Trump Flips Dan Rather the Bird

Yes, I know that I am kicking a horse while he is down. Just trying to help keep him down that’s all. I am not a big fan of Howard but the interview with "The Donald" about Dan Rather was interesting

Reality or Entertainment part II

I am at a loss for words on this person/trooper?

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Tom Delay is not the only one!

Here is a list of members of Congress with relatives on the payroll. Seems like a bipartisan sport.

PETA gets soaked.

Only in Texas would someone take a stand against the PC PETA folks. Wish they had some pics of the said assault.

Democrap caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

Well now it would appear that Al’s been a little busy. He was caught on FBI surveillance with his hand in the cookie jar.

You took a bribe you crook. I do not care what color you are, if you do the crime you should do the time. However, with that said someone will pull a few strings and make this all go away for him. Too bad he and Jesse Jackson would make good cell mates. No it not racists so get over it!

Jackson has a questionable relationship with corporate America for years now. And both of them play the race card as if it is a Platinum Card with the please leave me alone logo. They have preyed upon their own people for far too long. Hopefully someday during my life time the truth will come out about both of these God fearing men!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Reality or Entertainment?

Sometimes I am ashamed to admit that I am a Sci-Fi addict. Only because of freaks like theses, who stand in line for a month at a theater that will not be showing Star Wars on opening day. This just gives us true Sci-Fi connoisseur’s a bad name.

And no, I do not live with mama, my hair is short, I have a job, and I am married (to a woman). Unlike those who will squabble over the shield modulation of the starship Enterprise or that Rick Berman screwed up the timeline with the last edition of Enterprise on UPN. The concepts of reality seem to evade them and they appear unable to comprehend that it is just entertainment. Glad that I am not one of them.

Hold on a second here, if holodeck technology makes it debut before I die, then maybe, I will become one of them. End program………..

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Trickery Kept Voters From Polls

This winning little (you fill in the blank) continues to prove a few things, one of which is that he is living in some freakish reality, which you and I are unaware of! And second that the majority of the US voters chose the right man for the job!

Leaflets are handed out saying Democrats vote on Wednesday, Republicans vote on Tuesday. People are told in telephone calls that if you've ever had a parking ticket, you're not allowed to vote.

If you do not have enough brain cells to figure that one out, you should not be voting in the first place!


C is for Carrot?

What is the name of all things scared to my youth has PBS done now? Surely there must be another way to explain to children about eating healthy other than destroying my childhood image of the Cookie Monster? Who can’t remember that lovable blue fur-ball devouring cookies and as all the cookie crumbs flew everywhere?

There's even a new song -- "A Cookie Is a Sometimes Food," where Cookie Monster learns there are "anytime" foods and "sometimes" foods.

Now how many parents actually let their kids eat cookies at each and every request? Yes Citizens, it is a sad day when poor Cookie Monster is arrested by PC Police.


Sunday, April 03, 2005

Way to go!

Even with all the media coverage, Mexicans are still trying cross the border illegally! I am glad to announce that the Minuteman Project has bagged the first batch of illegal aliens from south of the border without incident.

Child Abuse

A Palestinian boy in military uniform and holding a toy gun is surrounded by Hamas supporters during a march by the militant group in Nosirat refugee camp in Gaza Strip April 1, 2005. Islamic militant group Hamas is discussing whether it might join a Palestinian government after contesting parliamentary elections for the first time this July, the faction said on Thursday. REUTERS/Ahmed Jadallah


Saturday, April 02, 2005

"Work More to Earn More."

After seven years of rising unemployment, economic stagnation, the land of cheese and wino's has figured out that the socialists' 35 hour work week is a bust. Even Germany has taken a role reversal this past month by lower corporate taxes.

Wow, imagine that! Let see now, if we lower corporate taxes it might attract new business. Sounds good let’s do it! Ohhh wait a minute…. the US has been there and done that with the shirt to prove it. Made in China of course.

Any Questions?

AP offering two leads to some stories

We are not biased! But hey I got an idea lets have two versions of the same story. The first version will supposedly be with the straight facts. Yeah right, the AP would not know the facts even if it was their buildings that were the target on 9/11.

"The other will be the 'optional,' an alternative approach that attempts to draw in the reader through imagery, narrative devices, perspective or other creative means."

Creative means, oh that's right I do not live on the far east or west coast so I should not be able to decipher that one. Lies are lies, no matter how creative or falsely painted that they may be.

Why can’t anyone just stick with the FACTS of the story? That is all I want, give me the information of the incident with no colorful rosy glass crap and let me come to my on conclusions, Thank you very much!

The optional stories will only be available to AP’s print media customers. E&P includes an example of the differences:

MOSUL, Iraq (AP) A suicide attacker set off a bomb that tore through a funeral tent jammed with Shiite mourners Thursday, splattering blood and body parts over rows of overturned white plastic chairs. The attack, which killed 47 and wounded more than 100, came as Shiite and Kurdish politicians in Baghdad said they overcame a major stumbling block to forming a new coalition government.

MOSUL, Iraq (AP) Yet again, almost as if scripted, a day of hope for a new, democratic Iraq turned into a day of tears as a bloody insurgent attack undercut a political step forward.

On Thursday, just as Shiite and Kurdish politicians in Baghdad were telling reporters that they overcame a major stumbling block to forming a new coalition government, a suicide attacker set off a bomb that tore through a funeral tent jammed with Shiite mourners in the northern city of Mosul.

So much for the perception that the media had learned it lesson about what the readers really want!

Jane Fonda Apologizes for Hanoi Jane Photo

Jane Fonda, the same traitor that went to Hanoi wore their uniform, propagandized for the communists, and urged American soldiers to desert. When she was told by POWs, that they were being tortured, and some of them murdered, she called them liars.

After her heroes—the North Vietnamese communists—took over South Vietnam, they systematically murdered 80,000 South Vietnamese political prisoners. May their souls rest on her head forever.

Now crawl back in your hole and die you anti patriotic *&^%$! Read the article to get the real story!

Friday, April 01, 2005

Kofi Annan exonerated? Not!

"For while Mr. Annan was not found guilty of direct corruption, the portrait of the secretary general's office, as it emerges from the report, is not attractive. Mr. Annan's former chief of staff, Iqbal Riza, is found to have authorized the destruction of three years' worth of documents -- a procedure that began, perhaps not coincidentally, right after the investigation was launched. The head of the United Nations' office of internal oversight, Dileep Nair, is also found to have paid the salary of a staff member using money that had been designated for the administration of the oil-for-food program. This is particularly disturbing, given that Mr. Nair was the person responsible for monitoring U.N. management systems and the staff member was employed to design an anti-corruption program. These new revelations, when added to the portrait of dicey procurement practices outlined in the previous oil-for-food investigation report, don't exactly make the United Nations look like a model of efficiency"


Sandy Burgler gets away with a felony

Because he pleads it down to a misdemeanor.

Former national security adviser Sandy Berger will plead guilty to taking classified material from the National Archives, a misdemeanor, the Justice Department said Thursday.

Just so the record is straight - Sandy Berger, who stole classified documents from the national archives, who stuffed these classified documents down his pants and in his socks, who DESTROYED the classified documents after he stole them, is now getting off with a slap on the wrist.

He called the episode "an honest mistake," and denied criminal wrongdoing.

An honest mistake… Of I see the papers fell into your sock and failed to notice that they were there, the ones in your pants hmmm... they jumped down your pants and also failed to notice them. And the destruction of some documents, well, I guess, it was like throwing junk mail into the fire I can understand that one!

But if you or I had done that we would have be spending the remaining years of our lives in Ft. Leavenworth breaking big rocks into little rocks, and rocks into sand.

The criminal got away with a crime that would have sent any person NOT connected with a corrupt liberal administration to jail for decades. The liberal elite continue to look after their own.

Ward Churchill Is Not Alone

Not to be out done by Churchill, I’d like to introduce you to associate professor at North Carolina Wesleyan, Jane T. Christensen. (Hat tip: Drew and from the pages of LGF)

Here is her faculty web page, proudly reeking of antisemitism and conspiracy mania.

Here is the course she’s teaching for the Spring 2005 semester: (POL 495) 911 The Road to Tyranny.

Read the whole page. You’re not going to believe her recommended web sites and reading sources.

And here is her final exam for (POL302) The American Presidency.



Instructions: Write essays on each of the following 4 questions (25 points each). Your answers should be at least one page each, no less. You will be graded on your writing and organizational skills as well as your ability to bring the readings into your discussion. This test is designed to see how well you have thought about the materials we have read and discussed and your ability to discuss these materials after you have reflected on them.

1. How has the war on terrorism contributed to the powers of the Bush presidency? (Discuss at least 4 ways).

2. Discuss the sweeping attack on democratic rights under the Bush administration and what this means for the future of democratic government in America.

3. Whose interests are served by the foreign and domestic policies of the Bush administration?

4. Describe and discuss the role of the Bush advisors. Who are they? What is their agenda? And how is it being carried out?

ACLU against Constitutional Rights

Citizens today is the day! As many of you are aware I have been keeping an eye on the Minuteman Project. The Minuteman Project is group of people who will watch the Arizona-Mexico border for a period of a month and they will report any illegal activities to law enforcement. Of course the ACLU doesn’t like this at all. Seems they object to American citizens exercising their Constitutional rights. Michelle Malkin columnist has quite the article on this subject.

Now the ACLU is using the cookie cutter method of the Left, they are resorting to a smear campaign on the Minuteman Project.

" By recklessly linking the Minutemen to white separatists and casting them as outlaws, the civil liberties crowd engages in the very guilt-by-association smear tactics it has so loudly condemned. And in putting the protection of illegal aliens' rights over law-abiding Americans' civil liberties, the ACLU demonstrates on which side of the border its true allegiances lie."

to be continued………………….