Monday, November 21, 2005

Veteran's Day Jail time.

Well the California Moonbats are now one up on the PNW in the anti patriotic movement! This little get-together on Veteran’s Day was to honor our Veterans the looney left way! And my all time favorite way in which the looney left pay respect to remember and honor those courageous souls is:

"an assclown playing 'Taps' on a saxaphone, who thought a little extemporaneous valve-play was appropriate for such a solemn piece"

Good thing it was in California, I do believe in freedom of speech but in good taste, there are some things that are just too sacred for the lonney left to discrete and Taps is one of them. Please be so kind and try this in ear shot of Veteran and do not be surprised by his/her reaction stating rather loudly, this a disgrace and the persons involved should have their collective butts kicked! I for one would think the jail time is more than worth it so, please feel free to invite me to your Veteran's Day ceremony.

Is this really a democracy?

"In a democracy, strong opinion-leaders must be able to say what they want to say. Therefore, the Government will take the responsibility to protect them," a spokesman from the ministry said, refusing to divulge the number of people receiving protection.
Wow is that really democracy? Silly Netherlands, jut deport those that would disrupt your country and it’s freedom. Oh wait, that’s the pot calling the kettle black, right ACLU?

Friday, November 18, 2005

Have an ACLU Christmas

Dear Santa,
I’m sorry to send this by mail, but—well, there doesn’t seem to be any other way to reach you. And I thought you should know, before you get too geared up for the Big Night that, uh…you’d better watch out.

Oh, I’m telling you why…you’re on “The List,” Santa.

That’s right. Their list. The “violators of the separation of church and state” list of the American Civil Liberties Union. They’re raising the roof down here about some of your “lifestyle choices.” They say you’ve got a secret agenda. That when it comes to real American values, you and the Constitution are poles apart.
But these people aren’t playing reindeer games. They’ve been stocking up complaints on you for years, and now they want you sacked.

Why? Well…that’s hard to explain. It’s little things, mostly. Like the elves.
People say your elves wear green. You may not realize it, Santa, but that color’s raising quite the hue and cry down here, these days. We heard of one tax-funded school last year at this time that wouldn’t even let the kids wear that color—you know, for what it obviously represents.

The ACLU says green spells Christmas, Christmas means Christ, Christ means religion, and religion is a personal thing. So, as you can see, green is a personal thing. Better keep it to yourself and not parade around in it, they say.
Ah, so is red, by the way. Some would advise you to do something about that outfit you wear—oh, and Rudolph’s nose, too.

Speaking of Rudolph…he’s a reindeer, Santa. And one of a kind at that. And you’re forcing him to work nights and holidays strapped to the front of your sleigh. That one’s really starting to snowball with the PETA crowd. The ACLU’s working up a lawsuit, and when they get through with this one, Rudolph’s really going down in history.

Also, some folks think you could be a little more careful about the neighborhoods you’re flying into. The ACLU has documented witness reports that you stop at homes with nativity scenes in the front yard…angels on the tree…carols playing on the stereo. People are beginning to think you actually endorse the whole New Testament scenario.

Better check your list a third time. And, if you find any right-wing religious fundamentalist zealots—you know, Christians—the ACLU may want you to consider crossing ‘em off your list. They’re out to destroy the country, after all.
Same goes for Boy Scouts, by the way. Children from traditional families. The usual suspects.

On the other hand, the ACLU has come up with a list of gift ideas, to save your crew time out in the workshop. Among the must-haves:
• A library card to tax-funded locations that refuse to filter pornographic Web sites.

• A free pass to any Planned Parenthood clinic (must be under 18 and not accompanied by parent).

• The new CD, Songs of the Radical Left, featuring the hit singles, “My Country, ‘Tis of Me” and “Keep the Home Flags Burning.”

• A great collection of their latest merchandise with the motto, “Life, Liberty, and Reproductive Freedom” (

I know, I know. It sounds like a cruel Yule for the kids—worse than coal in a stocking. But sooner or later, Santa, you’re going to have to decide whether you’re on the children’s side or the ACLU’s.

Because if you try to be both—hitching your sleigh to pro-family causes, celebrating the spirit of Christmas right in the middle of the holiday season—the ACLU says you’re gonna’ find yourself out in the cold, friend, and holding the bag. They’ll tell you that their attorneys are not ones to toy with.

But don’t worry. If you’re bound and determined to go through with Christmas, just get in touch with us here at the Alliance Defense Fund. (You know the address.) We’d be proud to represent you anytime pro bono. Consider it our Christmas gift.

Because winning your case would bring a lot of joy to the world.

Alan Sears

We have a plan..............................

The Demies have revealed their plan via Senate Minority Leader Reid explaining the Murtha Plan for Iraq.

Hattip: LGF

Reality check on immigration.

"The University of Florida finds that immigrant families have been costing that state a net $1,800 per household per year, a financial burden much larger than previously thought.

The findings surprised the study's author, who is a pro-immigration Democrat. After crunching the numbers, economist David Denslow discovered immigrants — legal and illegal — were consuming much more in public services and paying much less in taxes than the average resident."

Amazing it took a this study to show that illegal immigration hurts our nation financially! Well duh......If you did not know it by now then you are willfully ignorant and should be locked up in a padded room with a small window where doctors could administer sedative medication to you by air-gun darts.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

I'd like to buy the world a coke...

Well here is a rare and very isolated incident. It would appear that the Religion of Peace marched with the Buddhists to protest all forms of terrorism and Wednesday's massacre of a family of nine in Narathiwat's Rangae district.

You would expect the Muslims in the US to be as bold. So with that said, US Muslims were you at? Oh and do not forget to pass the coke to one of the infidels!

Move over John Wayne......

I realize that we need only to read and listen to the US media to see and hear more than our share of the trash talking about our country. But just in case that is not enough for some of you this site, collects foreign news from all over the world translated into English. And after reading some of those articles you will need to bathe!

I really thought that the MSM in the US was out to lunch, but come on, can people be soo easily persuaded to think that we (the US) consist of nothing more than gun totin' cowboys out to conquer the world. Guess that really does not bother me, it will make them think twice before invading!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Minuteman are murderers

According to NBC latest episode of Law and Order.

Kofi's corrupt internet thugs Denied

Since the mainstream media once again fails us, I must pass this on. As report many times on this blog site the UN wants control of the internet. It amazes me that no one in Congress, or that some type of resistance was ever made public to the American citizens about the internet falling in control of the dysfunctional family of the UN.

With this latest deal the UN has no control or authority what so ever. No more worries about this subject right? But wait maybe that is what the UN wants us to do, if something like this ever got pickup by the MSM and the American masses were awaken to the evil plot to take over the internet most would give a vote of no confidence to the UN, I bet even a few liberals would have something to say, you know like Al Gore? So it would appear a battle has been won, but with the UN the war continues. So stay vigilant citizens and enjoy your internet time before Kofi takes control!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The French Connection

I know that it is not nice to kick the French while they are down, but hey it’s France! It has come to light that the French indeed were willing to invade Iraq with the United States.

France was not always opposed to the American invasion of Iraq. One persistent Pentagon rumor, however, might explain why the French came to oppose the overthrow of Saddam Hussein's dictatorship. In December, 2002, a French staff officer visited the Pentagon with a proposal from his government. France would send 18,000 troops (about what they contributed in 1991) to join the Iraq invasion force. However, France wanted a specific area of occupation after the war, with full authority in that area for as long as Iraq needed to be occupied. The American State Department backed the French proposal, but the Department of Defense didn’t trust the French, and were suspicious of their motives. So the French officer went home empty handed, and the French government decided that invading Iraq was really an evil thing to do.

What exactly were the French up to? No one is sure, but the most plausible theory was that the French wanted to be in Iraq, after Saddam fell, to make sure no embarrassing documents, or witnesses, showed up.

Monday, November 14, 2005

The French Surrender, yet again......

The French government negotiates with Muslim rioters (from SCB)

Hatip: Religon of Peace

Alex, I'll take "Religion of Peace" for $2,000.

Finally, someone in the MSM asking the real pertinent questions about the Islamic religion, and the atrocities tied to it. To bad he’ll probably get fired sometime this week after CAIR, and clerics use the same ole Islamic cry that this is just retaliation and backlash attacks at their “Religion of Peace”. Yeah right these are questions, just answer them!

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Ted's New Quagmire

Were is the drunken Senator Kennedy at when you need a commentator? The French occupation forces appear to be in a quagmire as Day 17 of the riots continue.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Muzzle Mapes Please......

The documents were fakes, and everyone knows it. So please crawl back under your rock Mary. But noooo she is out hocking her book "Truth and Duty". Great title don't ya think from someone who has no idea of either the truth or duty! An example below is provided:

On Good Morning America during an interview with Brian Ross, he begins by asking her if she still thinks the story is true – and her answer is:

MAPES: The story? Absolutely.

ROSS: This seems remarkable to me that you would sit here now and say you still find that story to be up to your standards.

MAPES: I'm perfectly willing to believe those documents are forgeries if there's proof that I haven't seen.

ROSS: But isn't it the other way around? Don't you have to prove they're authentic?

MAPES: Well, I think that's what critics of the story would say. I know more now than I did then, and I think -- I think -- they have not been proved to be false yet.

ROSS: Have they proved to be authentic, though? Isn't that really what journalists do?

MAPES: No, I don't think that's the standard.

I see dead people.

MSNBC/Newsweek is promoting the film "Paradie Now". The film is a documentary about suicide bombers and that they are people too. That would be dead people of course.


Here is a study funded by our goverment that shows if a student does not get enough sleep they perform poorly and were less attentive in class.

Really? As a parent I had no idea! My better half who is a teacher was shocked; she just thought that those difficult ones were not medicated enough!

So I am going to apply for free money for common sense research, my study will be to see how many cars will stop if I throw those scientists out in traffic and for a minor secondary study to see how many of them will live, that should bring in additional cash, oops... I meant funding.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

What, not Al Gore?

Internet Fathers get Presidential Medal

Robert Kahn and Vint Cerf, who developed the TCP/IP protocols used to transmit traffic across the Internet, next week will receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civil award.

But in Al's own words...
Al Gore: "During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet."

Let the thumbs roll.

Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman wants a new policy for those who deface freeways with graffiti.

HatTip: Jar(egg)head

Caffeinated Convicts

The PNW (Pacific Northwest) continues in its never ending battle to one up California for the silliest of all ideas.

Friday, November 04, 2005

How not to make a bomb.

Ooops! Guess they will cover that once once Allay has a few words with them!

9th Circuit Court silliness again!

Once again the US Court system has decided in its infinite wisdom that the Government Indoctrination Centers actually own you children. This comes as no suprize seeing as the government also thinks it owns your money as well.

This ruling just goes to prove once again that my assertion is correct and that what everyone calls "Public Schools" are actually nothing more then "Government Indoctrination Centers" of which the public (the parents) really have no control.

But on Wednesday, a three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit dismissed the case, saying, “There is no fundamental right of parents to be the exclusive provider of information regarding sexual matters to their children…Parents have no due process or privacy right to override the determinations of public schools as to the information to which their children will be exposed while enrolled as students.”

Judge Stephen Reinhardt, writing for the panel, said “no such specific right can be found in the deep roots of the nation’s history and tradition or implied in the concept of ordered liberty.”

They can somehow easily find non-existent “rights” to kill unborn children or “rights” to deny children the right to pray in school (in spite of the fact that the Constitution actually is very clear on the subject of “free exercise of religion”).

So citizens, go breed, pay taxes and do not worry about the raising your offspring, the government has got your back!

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Protest silliness in Seattle

They make it to easy!

Still trying to figure out how lap dancing has anything to do with President Bush.

Death Cult Cartoon

From the pages of LGF:

Clueless Teacher

If I was the parent of this poor child the school would never open their doors again. Talk about lack of common sense, I was under the impression that teachers were to make sure that the fragile little confidence that little ones have was not fractured. We all know what I am talking about; no one loses everyone wins yada yada yada....

This is just another reason that teachers should be able to be fired on the spot!