Tuesday, February 20, 2007

UN to the rescue, hid your children

The sky is now officially falling. Just when the lay people of America discover the vast incompetent, power hungry losers in the UN, a group of idiots’ ok sorry, scientist now are saying that an asteroid will come uncomfortably close and the UN needs to save us.

Just like they saved Sudan, Rwanda, Bosnia, Haiti, and Somalia just to name a few. If there is any equipment or supplies the cities of the world would need to help protect you from the impact you can rest assured that the Blue Hats will want your daughters in return.

Science is defined as systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation. So scientist, if this statement is true then your hypothesis must be flawed, just like your current scare tactic of Global Warming!

Just stating the facts……………………..

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Experts at the Times = Intelligence Committee

The New York Times reports that "skeptics" doubt US evidence on Iran's Actions in Iraq. So who is one of these "experts" (a word the Times uses)?

None other than the Democratic Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Silvestre Reyes of Texas, who did not even know the difference between Sunni and Shia Muslims and is ignorant of Hezbollah and Al Qaeda. Anytime the word Intelligence is in a job title, well you know…….......

Saturday, February 10, 2007

No more Independence Day

Dear ole Pelosi has decided that we need to change the 4th of July from Independence Day to Energy Independence Day.

What, will this deranged Frisco Freak ever shut her pie hole? The 4th of July (Independence Day) was created to celebrate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.

Just because she made history by becoming the first woman speaker of the house, this does not give her the right to change 231 years of tradition.

She is so arrogant that she voted to raise the gas tax on Americans five times while she is squired around the Federal City in a government SUV that is exempt from such a tariff. So tell me Madam Speaker who has a larger carbon footprint, the American public or the governments of the world?

In addition she is quoting a report from the UN’s IPCC, need I say more?

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Childless in Seattle

Since Washington's ban on same-sex marriage was up help by the state supreme court, the gays have been in an uproar, so now to retaliate for the decision of the court and the voters in the Washington State an initiative is in the works that if a married couple does not have kids in 3 years, then the marriage is annulled.