Friday, September 30, 2005

Three's a crowd

Well not in the Netherlands the first Trio has been "Married". Wonder what sick country will be the first to allow fathers to marry their daughters? Yeah, yeah, I know Woody Allen takes that honor.

Today's blame game

New York Times mourns for the IFC

As reported earlier this summer the International Freedom Center, was to be the main tenant in the World Trade Center Memorial. However, common sense has prevailed, the Gov of New York has stepped in put halt to this so called memorial for being to controversial, even Hillary Clinton bailed out on this ill-conceived elitist project.

"You are Germany!"

Germany launches patriotism drive. The last time Germans had patriotism, 6 million people died.

What borders?

50 science fiction shows of all time.

Guess which is number one........Star Trek of course. If you needed help with that question, please report to the next Star Trek marathon on TV.

Tell me what other TV series proposed that everyone is entitled to healthcare and abundant, no-shame-attached welfare.

And the next medicare plan will be called the Star Trek Medicare plan. Scotch anyone?

Friday, September 23, 2005

HP must pay!

When a company downsizes in the United States, the usual reaction is to move on, or at least focus on improving competitiveness. When jobs are slashed in France, however, government inquiries and protectionism are the first responses:

French president Jacques Chirac has suggested a US company should be referred to Brussels for a probe into its plan to cut 5,900 jobs in Europe by 2008.

Mr Chirac has instructed his ministers to prepare an appropriate response to Hewlett-Packard's plan and make sure the company shows "full respect" for labour laws in France, where over 1,000 jobs are to be cut.

"Given the reach of the plan across Europe, he [the president] also asked the government to [refer it to] the European Commission", the AFP news agency quoted a person close to Mr Chirac as saying on Tuesday (20 September).

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Where's my Silver Star dude?


Hyphenated America

To continue the assault on our country, and its principles the anti-Americans are at it again. Mr. Chavez believes that you can not be an American without a hyphen and that it is wrong not to use it. So you want to be hyphenated? You feel less than an American without one? Well drag you sorry butt back to ole Mexico so you can be Mexican unhyphenated of course.

“The reaction of European-Americans ranged from hostility and confusion to outright denial.”

Or maybe people do not care, after living here all their life this is their home, hence why our ancestors moved here to start with. Incase this dimwit has forgotten, we the unhyphenated Americans are not to well loved by the Europeans so why would I consider to associate myself with them? Daneen G. Peterson, Ph.D address the issue with this Mexican, sorry I meant to say Mexican-Un-American by using *gasp* common sense.

For most of us Americans, the essence of being an American does not include the use of a hyphen because we do not need the added 'security' of belonging, or having allegiance to, more than one place, country or ancestry. America is enough for us and we simply have no need for anything 'more.' We are proud to be Americans and are duly insulted when we are asked to incorporate a hyphenated attachment by dredging up our past ancestry, in order to append a nationality that would ultimately 'dilute' our esteemed title of 'American.'

Yes, it is important to know you ancestry and the possible reasons why your ancestors came to the United States, most likely it would have been for a better life. With idiots like these no wonder why we need affirmative action, I feel so much less of an American now.

MS Office celebrates Rathergate


Thursday, September 15, 2005

Happy Hour?

Greenhouse Grab.

So much for future of the Gaza Strip.

CAIR: Artist needed, must know Photoshop.

It would appear that CAIR needs lessons on how to use photoshop!

Hattip: Jihad Watch.

Big Brother in the Netherlands

Scary. But hey it’s all about the kids.

Beginning Jan. 1, 2007, all citizens will be tracked from cradle to grave in a single database — including health, education, family and police records — the health ministry said Tuesday.

Crescent of the Clueless


Architect offers to alter Flight 93 memorial to appease critics.


The Flight 93 Memorial design, titled "The Crescent of Embrace," was unveiled this week.

Take a close look:

Remind you of anything?

Tom Bevan at the Real Clear Politics gently raises some questions about the design.

Charles at Little Green Footballs asks: "Is this a coincidence, an example of amazing cluelessness, or something more deliberate?"

Friday, September 09, 2005

True Identity revealed

To creat your own identity.

Missing Money

During the Red Sock and Angel’s game, the newscasters spoke of certain players who are helping out hurricane victims.

Curt Schilling put up a family of NINE in a hotel. FOR A YEAR.

There was an Angel player who's allowing another family to live in his Atlanta house.

Where are the "compassionate" Lefties who also happen to be outright rich? Micheal Moore? Hello? How many millions did you make on your latest crockumentary? Hell, most of the dimwitted actors and celebrities who howl about how mean Bush is and how nice they are in comparison could afford to buy or rent houses all over the South and Southeast for hurricane victims to live in. For that matter, they could rent out entire hotels for a year with all the money they have. That would help these people a hell of a lot more than the pissing and moaning we've seen from the Left. Why not put action behind their words? But what do we get instead?

Sean Penn trying to get more photo ops on a sinking boat. To bad he lived.

Yeah, that's just what the people of New Orleans need.

Put up or shut up, Lefties. And those on the Left who happen to sleep on beds made of hundred dollar bills? Put your money where your mouth is.

Friday Pic of the Day

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Quote of the day

****Warning for soccer fans only****

“How are they superior? They played like a small team – they got a goal and then they went running to protect it. They pulled back and didn’t even look to score again – just tried to make sure Mexico didn’t do any damage. They lucked into a couple of goals, nothing more.”

That is correct you soccer fans, the Mexican coach in reference to Saturday's loss (butt whopping)to the US National Team. Imagine that trying to protect your lead in a game. But wait the US team scored two goals you moron. Is there something else I may have missed here?

New Flash*****Demies on Crack*********

So now I understand why they think the way they do!

Hattip: Apathy Curve

Last Post for the Blame Game

Blame Game #5 (Now it's Reagan's fault)

"Hurricane Katrina has left the Gulf coast devastated. Thousands are feared dead, homes are destroyed and lawlessness has gripped New Orleans. The tragic situation on the Gulf Coast, however, cannot be blamed on nature alone. The dominant political ideology in this country has exacerbated the problem.

"This ideology is not racism, hate or greed. I am talking about good old Ronald Reagan conservatism. This ideology has permeated our country far too long, and as we now see has weakened our national cohesion and our ability to meet the needs of all Americans." Column: Blame conservative thought -

Blame Game #4 (Ben Stein style)

Ben Stein speaks out on the Blame Game.

Sneak peek below:
It's not George Bush's fault that there were sick people and old people and people without cars in New Orleans. His job description does not include making sure every adult in America has a car, is in good health, has good sense, and is mobile.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

New Fuel Gage

Blame Game #3

Comprehesive blog site to view for those who still have not had enough of the blame game.

And of course, The Blog Site, Power Line weights in on the Blame Game.

About That Blame Game #2

From the Washington Post:

The [Bush] administration sought unified control over all local police and state National Guard units reporting to the governor. Louisiana officials rejected the request after talks throughout the night, concerned that such a move would be comparable to a federal declaration of martial law...

Some officials in the state suspected a political motive behind the request...

Louisiana did not reach out to a multi-state mutual aid compact for assistance until Wednesday, three state and federal officials said.

While Democrats are focused on political maneuvering, the Bush administration is trying to get the appropriate help to citizens of Louisiana.

Blame game appers not to be working

Wed Sep 07 2005 10:42:26 ET

A CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll of 609 adults taken September 5-6 shows:

Blame Game -- 13% said George W. Bush is "most responsible for the problems in New Orleans after the hurricane"; 18% said "federal agencies"; 25% said "state and local officials"; 38% said "no one is to blame"; 6% had no opinion. -- 29% said that "top officials in the federal agencies responsible for handling emergencies should be fired"; 63% said they should not; 8% had no opinion.


Government Performance -- 10% said George W. Bush has done a "great" job in "responding to the hurricane and subsequent flooding"; 25% said "good"; 21% said "neither good nor bad"; 18% said "bad"; 24% said "terrible"; 2% had no opinion. -- 8% said federal government agencies responsible for handling emergencies have done a "great" job in "responding to the hurricane and subsequent flooding"; 27% said "good"; 20% said "neither good nor bad"; 20% said "bad"; 22% said "terrible"; 3% had no opinion. -- 7% said state and local officials in Louisiana have done a "great" job in "responding to the hurricane and subsequent flooding"; 30% said "good"; 23% said "neither good nor bad"; 20% said "bad"; 15% said "terrible"; 5% had no opinion.


Looting 101, New Orleans style

Imagine the shock in New Orleans when you are looting your favorite Wal-Mart and you see the cops. What would you do? Nope, no need to run they are there to loot themselves, so carry on or off what you may need.

Hmph. Wonder if there’s all of this looting going on in Mississippi. Since the news only covers sensation guess we will never know.

Teacher too sexy for religion classes?

It amazes me that the Pope with let the church get away with this one. The image of the Roman Catholic Church (aka home of the Pedophiles) is in need of a drastic make over.

“I don’t see what it matters if a teacher is good looking or not as long she is qualified,” she told Reuters by telephone.

And as a red blooded American male I believe she is qualified!