Thursday, March 31, 2005

Hispanic state lawmakers confronting Minuteman Project

Time is now close at hand. And just like any other cause that people do not feel is politically correct, it must be stopped. Not!

Denied access

I do not care what your opinion of the Schiavo Case is, but this last minute defiant act speaks volumes about her so called husband.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Mexican Gang targets Minuteman Project.

So it is t minus four days and counting. It would appear that the Minuteman Project is going to be a huge success. Heck, the patrols have not even started and the Mexican government is already crying foul! First Mexico wanted to sue the Minuteman Project, then the crack smoking Mexican president Fox said the walls to be built along the San Diego border is “discriminatory" and "against freedom.", now the punk gang MS-13 are going to target the Minuteman project.

At some point I would expect the crack smoking Mexican president Fox to go to the World Court to sue the United States for protecting her borders.

Since president Fox’s does not agree about our wall, what should we do? I believe of course only a Marine could describe it with such elegance!

Jar(egg)head said...

"Fox said, 'We are convinced that walls don't work.'"

Fine. We'll build machinegun towers and plant minefields, instead. That better, you post-Maxmillian, drug-laundering piece of shit?

Keep your oppressed peasants on YOUR side of the shithouse. You made 'em, you can sleep with 'em.

When Jar(egg)Head speaks it hard not to agree with him, well on this subject anyway.

Breaking: Huge Earthquake in Indian Ocean

Drudge Report has the current headline: 8.5 mag quake rocks Indian Ocean, triggering tsunami warning.

UPDATE at 3/28/05 9:52:12 am:

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Iraqi citizens fight back.

Some Iraqi’s have had enough. But leave to a Demie, Sen. Barbara Boxer, to push a negative spin on anything dealing with the success that continues to blossom in Iraq. She should just shut her pie hole and admit that Bush was right by taken action in Iraq.

Gaddafi calls Israelis, Palestinians idiots

Gaddafi sounds just like a Demie, using those catch words that the libs love so much.

Gaddafi dismissed the argument that poverty is at the root of violence by militant Islamists and pinned the blame on "oppression, injustice, arrogance, insults, contempt and the humiliation of this (Arab) nation."

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Shhhh! Don't tell your Parents

The queers have their panties all in a wad and are screaming that students should not be required to get their parents' permission to join extra-curricular activities.

I remember a long time ago in galaxy far, far away… what that was in Alabama, and Florida, every activity that I participated in after school I had to have a permission slip from my parents.

They just do not get it. The schools are held responsible for you kids on their campus, that’s called liability, the schools are constantly being sued for one thing or another because of this thing called liability. So the school decides that the parents should be aware of what their kids are doing after school on campus and that is wrong why?

"GLBT students are already at higher risk for depression and suicide”

That is what happens with mental disorder without treatment , so seek help and stop whining!

Here comes the Judge.

My constitutional hero has weighed in on the Schiavo case! He explains that while Demies are crying out that this is some sort of new precedence in the Schiavo case, that is not actual true it's called habeas corpus and criminals use it all the time!

First Amendment Rights challenged in an English Court.

From the pages of Powerline "the" Blog site that broke the Rathergate papers story:

Thomas Lipscomb has alerted us to a story we have not previously heard of, involving the use of the British courts by a Saudi sheik to pursue a defamation lawsuit against an American writer for allegations made in a book published exclusively in the United States. The American writer has allowed a default judgment to be entered against her in the British courts.

Lipscomb's article appears in Editor & Publisher, a publication geared to the newspaper business. This story cries out for the attention of the MSM. Where are they when we need them? In any event, don't miss this one: "Another First Amendment landmark case?"

So you fancy the Canadian Health Care system.

What the……

"If the person named on this computer-generated letter is deceased, please accept our sincere apologies."

"The patient wasn't dead, according to the doctor who showed the letter to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity. But there are many Canadians who claim the long wait for the test and the frigid formality of the letter are indicative of a health system badly in need of emergency care."

Considering how much Canada spends on it's health care system, one has to wonder where all that money is going to. On top of that, the system is going broke.

""Every day we're paying for health care, yet when we go to access it, it's just not there," said Pelton.

The average Canadian family pays about 48 percent of its income in taxes each year, partly to fund the health care system. Rates vary from province to province, but Ontario, the most populous, spends roughly 40 percent of every tax dollar on health care, according to the Canadian Taxpayers Federation.

The system is going broke, says the federation, which campaigns for tax reform and private enterprise in health care.

It calculates that at present rates, Ontario will be spending 85 percent of its budget on health care by 2035. "We can't afford a state monopoly on health care anymore," says Tasha Kheiriddin, Ontario director of the federation. "We have to examine private alternatives as well.""

Canadian official acknowlege that their are significant problems with their health care system.

"The federal government and virtually every province acknowledge there's a crisis: a lack of physicians and nurses, state-of-the-art equipment and funding. In Ontario, more than 10,000 nurses and hospital workers are facing layoffs over the next two years unless the provincial government boosts funding, says the Ontario Hospital Association, which represents health care providers in the province."

Of course, their are Canadians who believe that their Health care system is superior to our market driven one.

"Raisa Deber, a professor of health policy at the University of Toronto, believes Canada's system is one of the world's fairest.

"Canadians are very proud of the fact that if they need care, they will get care," she said. Of the United States, she said: "I don't understand how they got to this worship of markets, to the extent that they're perfectly happy that some people don't get the health care that they need."

Canada does not have fully nationalized health care; its doctors are in private practice and send their bills to the government for reimbursement.

"That doctor doesn't have to worry about how you're going to pay the bill," said Deber. "He knows that his bill will be paid, so there's absolutely nothing to stop any doctor from treating anyone."

Deber acknowledges problems in the system, but believes most Canadians get the care they need. She said the federal government should attach more strings to its annual lump-sum allocations to the provinces so that tax dollars are better spent on preventive care and improvements in working conditions for health-care professionals."

When I needed an MRI, it did not take months to get it scheduled; I had the MRI within 1 day of the doctor prescribing it. Here is the rest of the article.

So just in case you has some preconceived notion that the Canadians have it good this should a least my you ask the question,

“Am I willing to pay 48% of my income to a system that apparently is not quite as functionally as you where led to believe?” And if you can not come to the conclusion that a Government control health care system will not work, then by all means move to Canada and enjoy yourself. Oh and I hope you live long and prosper!

Monday, March 21, 2005

Annan had a Vision!

Soon the report for the Oil for Food scandal will be out so, to distract from this, Annan has had a vision of sorts in the UN mediation room. He plans to over haul the UN, maybe now would be a good time re consider our need for this crutch of an organization.

Yeah, that it lets take our money about 22% of the UN budget, apply it toward our deficit and sell the build to Trump for about 800 million. Let’s not forget all of the unpaid parking tickets that these idiots receive and do not have to pay because of their diplomatic status, the total in 1997 was about 6 million. Image what it would be today.

American's feeling safe?

The cheese heads have a really neat justice system. You can sell fake passports and plan to blow up a few trains, if apprehended, and convicted of those charges, 8 years in prison is the sentence. A little light on the sentence if you asked me for a Terrorist, a really good model prisoner get's out in less than 4 years! This same prisoner is an Algerian-born Canadian, now residing somewhere in Canada.

We hope.

Danger Up North!

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Mexican president on Crack.

The Mexican president now says that the walls along the border are “discriminatory" and "against freedom." No other country is allowed to have their citizens’ just stroll in and find a job in the land of the big PX. I would say if we did not build the wall along the border then yes, it is “discriminatory" to those who have gone through the process to become a citizen in the United States.

Of course My blog, My solutions for those wishing to enter from Mexico:

1. You must learn English if you wish to live here!

2. Complete and pass courses in Customs, Courtesies, and History of the United States." And yes to accommodate you the test will be in English! Re testing will occur for a period of 10 years. (And I know our own schools fail to teach our kids this portion, which to me falls on the parents!)

3. If the United States is at War, you must volunteer. For the Navy of course.

4. You will not contact the ACLU for any reason what so ever.

5. If caught violating Any laws you will be deported immediately.

6. If caught in the US after being deported you will be sentence work on the Alabama Chain Gang for a period of no less than 10 years. At which time you can reapply for Citizenship, just before you are deported again.

Stupidity goes south part 2

Following the idiot savant nation of over 500 cheeses, the Spaniards continue to rolling over for the terrorist. Even with continual evidence that the terrorists are committed to strike again. So is it safe to say that the Spanish government are that naïve to conclude that a payoff in Iraq will not come back to haunt them?

"We have been lucky that our investigations have managed to abort other plots before acts of terrorism took place," Juan Fernando López Aguilar, the justice minister, said in an interview. "That means the threats have not disappeared."

Really, wonder where the financing is coming from?

Lawyer gets to pay this time

Finally, it would appear that one judge has come to his senses and figured out that lawyers only want money.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

From the pages of IAMO.

U.N. Me
Posted by Frank J.

The U.N. needs some work, including an image change. In the spirit of helpfulness, I came up with some brand new slogans for the U.N. (do they even have one now). Here they are:


* If a corrupt, bloated bureaucracy can't solve it, then it's best left festering.

* Genocidal dictators, beware our harshly worded letters.

* Having discussed at length almost every major crisis in the past 60 years.

* If our baby-blue helmets don't scream seriousness, then are non-binding resolutions do.

* Chosen by 4 out of 5 oppressed peoples for peacekeeping over Sprite in a blind taste test.

* The U.N. - U.N.fair, U.N.balanced, U.N.medicated.

* Try our world famous cheesy fries.

* Defeating evil... as long as the cowardly French and the evil Chinese Commies don't use their veto power.

* Pointless squabbling brought to an art form.

* Check with our job opportunities center for great benefits and embezzlement opportunities.

* If troubles abound, we'll be nearby doing nothing.

* You can't spell "unethical" without U.N.

* Honest; those people were raped before we got here.

* If you don't like us, our 156-4 vote says it’s the fault of Israel.

* Ignoring the irony of cronies of pissant dictatorships voting in a democratic fashion for 60 years.

* If this is an emergency, please hang up and dial America.

Ebay...maybe I spoke to soon.

Paramount and UPN with their great wisdom, insight and stupidity have decided to cancel Enterprise. For some reason people within the inner circles of Paramount think Star Trek needs a break. Well the producer had a very interesting statements about the cancellation:

"I just think the best move would be to let ENTERPRISE continue its run and have another series waiting in the wings. If people can watch 47 versions of CSI, we can have more than one version of STAR TREK."

Well, this time the fans have had enough and will not give up so easy; so, as of today 3.1 million has been donated by the fans to carry the show for at least one more year. The fans are also using Ebay to help raise additional funding for the show. That is “if” the Paramount Studio will let them do so.

from Cox & Forkum (HT: Pirate Ballerina)

Monday, March 14, 2005

California ................need I say more?

History of Marriage as defined by both the Bible and Britannica Online.

The Bible

Marriage was instituted in Paradise when man was in innocence (Gen. 2:18-24). Here we have its original charter, which was confirmed by our Lord, as the basis on
which all regulations are to be framed (Matt. 19:4, 5).

Britannica Online

The rituals and ceremonies surrounding marriage are associated primarily with religion and fertility and validate the importance of marriage for the continuation of a family, clan, tribe, or society.

So why do Queers need to be married? If the state allows Civil Unions, what else do you need? They cry and say that I can not see my queer partner while in the hospital or take care of this or that, well how about a power of attorney? Yes and we also hear the queers crying from time to time that they are be segregated as the African Americans where, but I do not see any Queers drinking from a separate water fountain, riding in the back of the bus, living in separate neighborhoods, well may by their choice not ours, or being hung by trees.

If this upsets you to darn bad! Were’s your tolerance? I too (even though the left hates it) have 1st Amendment rights.

Oh yeah, here is why I am Ranting! But wait there's more, a commentary that really says it all!.

The NYTs lost their playbook

From the pages of Jack

Oops, someone at the New York Times screwed up. Apparently they forgot the current propaganda line that there never were any weapons of mass destruction, and ran two separate articles, detailing the fact that there were indeed thousands of pieces of monitored equipment and stockpiles of monitored chemicals and materials. While scoffing at the recent claim of WMD, the United Nations is now in a frantic search for those very weapons, which could easily be used against them, as radical Moslem terrorists have shown that they have a fondness for blowing up people in blue helmets.

The Death Penalty!

For those of you who do not believe in the death penalty please explain a punishment for this. Warning this has adult content, may cause vomiting, frustration and just generally piss you off! For those at work please refrain from punching the first idiot that comes along after you had read the article. You have been warned!

Watch out here they come again!

And once again the wolves are circling trying to collect taxes from your on line purchases.

EBay identifies Stupid people

Once again Ebay, well I do not know should I say it? Ok for those of you
who know me, I will say it! That’s right how stupid can you be to buy a
time machine that looks like it was built in the 50’s? Maybe you can use it
to go back in time and remove your name from the Stupid List!

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Universities as well as Churchill are the problem.

And the fake Indian saga continues. The blog PirateBallerina is in possession of evidence that shows Ward Churchill appropriated the military experience of someone else and claimed it as his own. And have challenged him to prove them wrong.

This is not in no means an isolated incident within halls of our (that right we pay the taxes) universities. Coming soon to a theater near you, Brainwashing 101 a documentary
“how universities use tools such as "speech codes" to force political views upon students.

The Online Coalition :: Letter to the FEC

Well now Hillary's little plan is trying to blossom. So what part of his reputation are you trying to protect? Whether it Cuban Cigar or Domestic?

The Drudge Report was the media outlet that leaked the Monica Lewinsky story after mainstream media would not expose it, and in doing so he was sued by the Clinton's, well here is the outcome of that frivolous lawsuit.
Also, David Horowitz's "Center for the Study of Popular Culture", defended the Drudge and was audit by the IRS for his troubles.

"Two weeks ago, my name appeared on the front page of the Wall Street Journal in an article about the Drudge case. The Center for the Study of Popular Culture, a tax-exempt foundation that I run and that houses the Drudge Defense Fund, was also mentioned. Five days later, I received notification from the IRS that the center would be the subject of an IRS audit. We had never been audited before.

So please consider signing this.

Friday, March 11, 2005

The end of the TGIF Celebration.

I had high hopes for Condoleezza Rice. But when she starts spew crap like this, she must think like
the libs. You know that the individual American is not intelligent or too naive to figure things out on their own without the help of the government. Why because things are so complicated. (Notice a trend here)

"We and the Mexicans have a robust dialogue about border security, and I believe we're going to continue to have that," she said.

Oh really, the Mexicans are in dialogue alright! Mexican official, "So you want to sneak across the border to America? Well here you will need this
pamphlet to help you."

Or how about this robust dialogue for border security. "
there have been 120 documented incidents of Mexican military/police incursions"

I know I have now ruined your TGIF and possible your weekend, not to worry though, once Hillary gets into office we will only have to work 35 hours a week like just the Cheeseheads!.

A continuation of the TGIF theme.

That's not your Senator, it's a man, baby

Come back, liberals!

The latest from Ann Coulter:

Liberals have been completely intellectually vanquished. Actually, they lost the war of ideas long ago. It's just that now their defeat is so obvious, even they've noticed. As new DNC Chairman Howard Dean might say, it's all over but the screaming.

Play Time

After extneisve research and a New York Times poll my Blog it appears
is too serious. So in the spirit of TGIF here is a game for you to waste
your employers time on!

Try and beat .258!

Thursday, March 10, 2005

It knew it!

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Soros Preaches Bush Hatred in Spain

Anti-American billionaire George Soros is in Spain, bad mouthing President Bush approach to terrorism.

Soros said Spain had “a very different response to terrorism - a healthier response”.

Who's health, the terrorist? So the terrorist acts comitted in Spain are a healthy respone? So I guess it is safe to say that we should just roll over and allow the terrorist to do as they please. This the same doctrine that Carter and Clinton used, and where did it get us? September 11, 2001! The Demeis just do not appear to be able to grasp this thing call reality! Ooops I for got, it is more complicated than my feeble mind can comprehend. Please……..

While we are talking lawyers.

Teenagers are jumping between parking garages that are up to 80 feet tall. And if someone falls, it the parking garages fault!

"There was a very, very short length of fence that was completely ineffective in preventing this from happening," D'Assaro said.

Now let me get this straight the lawyer thinks that it is not the dumb idiot's fault for jumping or his parents for having a child that lived, but the parking garage owners?

I am dumbfounded at this time....... Wait I have an idea, let's get the lawyer to stand next to the short ineffective fence and see if it indulges him to jump! If he does not jump then that shows that the fence had absolutely nothing to do with the teenager’s decision to jump! And as the teenager stated "I was following my friends" during his failed attempt to be Superman.

If the lawyer does jump, Great One less lawyer in the world! Geronimooo…………splat! But with our luck you will hear, “It’s just a bloody flesh wound!”

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Country had a disaster? Call 1-800-lawyers!

Look at what the snakes are up to now. Who do the Floridians get to sue for all of the hurricanes last year? Oh, I know what we can sue the weathermen! They can never predict where the hurricane will hit landfall, thus causing that area “financial loss that the city incurs through their incorrect prognoses”

Your children will be assimilated

The queer community will just not give up. Yes I said the "Q" word if it offends you, see ya later. Let's reflect, if you are a demie this will hurt, in November of last year, 11 out of 11 states said NO to same sex marriages.

Now they are going to try and force their sick disorder toward the most liberal institutions in the
US. That's right the children will be blasted with crap starting in kindergarten.

“Also in Massachusetts, that state's legalization of same-sex marriage may be emboldening homosexual teachers within the public school system to promote their own lifestyle to kids. For example, according to an interview on National Public Radio (NPR) All Thinks Considered, lesbian eighth-grade teacher Deb Allen said she explicitly teaches her students about lesbian sex, including the use of sex toys.”

What parents would even allow their children to be taught this crap? Why are eight graders learning about sex from a teacher anyway? That's a parent’s responsibility; hey, if you can hack it maybe you should have not had kids!

I could go on and on about this article but it speaks for itself

Sunday, March 06, 2005

UPDATE: “complicated situation”

To continue on the UK front PBS had a documentary called”Al Qaeda's New Front".

The head of a London mosque, Aby Abdullah, is shown saying, "People see us as extremists because we don't compromise the religion of Allah [Arabic]. We accept it with every word and every utterance of our beloved Prophet Mohammed, Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam, that no Muslim can turn away from one aya of the Koran, one verse of the Quran. If we don't accept this, we actually become disbelievers." He goes on to say, "Allah mentioned jihad in the Koran 26 times [Arabic phrase]. Allah mentioned qita fi sabil-Allah 89 times. 'Qita fi sabil-Allah' is fighting by a physical fighting."

Well now that pretty much sums it up for me. I am still trying to figure out what is so complicated here? And where are the bleeding heart liberals at when statements such as these are made? The left preaches tolerance, love and all of that hippie crap from the 60's, which I believe was a turning point in out society but we will save that for another day, if you are not a lib they will brow beat you to death, if you are one of them then it is OK.

So they want a physical fight, bring it on I say. And will someone please pass the ammo?

Mexico sues the Minute Man Project

Look at the non patriotic greedy lawyers’ line up to take a fool’s money. Why do I say non patriotic. In recent months their have been numerous documented cases of Middle Eastern men crossing the Mexico border.

Just to let everyone know that a U.S. citizen’s right to arrest is granted by common law. So powerful is this right, no Police Officer can refuse to place the lawbreaker in jail, once that person has been formally arrested by a civilian. While there are certain responsibilities on the arresting person, the Court treats such an arrest as equal to, an arrest by a Police Officer.

There is also no law that disallows an American citizen, from notifying the proper authorities, if and when they witness illegal activity. In most, if not all states, it is a crime NOT TO REPORT illegal activities.

But what there is more, I think civilians should have the right to sit on a fence and anyone trying to cross it can be shot at will. What right does Mexico have to try and allow illegal immigration into OUR country? So roll your dice Mexico, but watch out for the laser dot on your chest or during daylight hours that would be my cross hairs.

Mexico will pursue legal action against plans by a U.S. citizens' group to patrol the U.S.-Mexican border in search of illegal immigrants, the country's foreign minister said on Monday. Luis Ernesto Derbez said he asked lawyers in Los Angeles to draw up a legal strategy to fight the Arizona-based initiative called "the MinuteMan Project" that has signed up hundreds of volunteers for border patrols.

"We are going to attack by all legal means," Derbez told a news conference. "We are presenting the reasons why we consider this action to be incorrect and illegal from the point of view not only of our government but also under U.S. law."

Derbez said he would discuss the issue with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice when she visits Mexico on March 10.

Organizers of the MinuteMan project say the U.S. government has failed to stem the flow of migrants across its 2,000-mile southern border, where about a million undocumented immigrants are caught each year, almost half coming through Arizona.

More than a million are thought to get through undetected.

Volunteers from at least 29 states plan to camp out in April on ranches and public land to spot and report illegal immigrants to the U.S. Border Patrol.

Stupidity goes south.

I knew France was a country of wussies or as JT calls them Froggies, but, at least Spain showed some backbone until recently. Now it looks as though being a neighbor to France has rubbed off on them and not in a good way and they too have become like France, a bunch of wussies.

“complicated situation”

Wow, it is not just in this country the media and the libs think things are too complicated. Let's see now "jihad" a holy war waged on behalf of Islam as a religious duty against the no-believers. “So you do not believe in Islam, sorry but I will now have to kill you.” That does not sound too complicated for this simple southern raised boy.

The Muslims want to kill you (non believer) and proven they will when given a chance. Yes, I hear the cry of the ACLU; but let’s look at the facts; nearly every major terrorist act in the last 40 years has been committed by Muslims. And they (the believers) will tell you that Satan "America and England" must be destroyed. This still does not appear to be too complicated.

Those who are willing to sound the alarm about terrorist are called racist, I say call them self preservationist. You can call them what you like………………………

Former Metropolitan Police chief Sir John Stevens is trying to wake up Britain: Al-Qaeda ‘on streets of Britain.’

Former Metropolitan Police chief Sir John Stevens says up to 200 Al-Qaeda “terrorists” are operating in Britain and the threat of attacks is real. He urged the government to press ahead with its controversial anti-terror legislation as quickly as possible.

Sir John, writing in the News of the World, said militants trained by Osama bin Laden “fester” across the country.

But the Liberal Democrats accused him of sending “mixed messages” adding to an already “complicated situation”. Civil rights groups have also criticised the government’s plans, calling for an end to detention without trial. They say the principles of justice and human rights are fundamental to British law and should not be lost.

But Sir John said any delay in enacting the legislation would bring “comfort” to al-Qaeda. He said there were small networks of militants who had been trained by Osama bin Laden and had “spawned and continue to fester” in British towns and cities.

The Prevention of Terrorism Bill would allow authorities to impose curfews or tag suspects, as well as banning them from using telephones or the internet.

“The main opposition to the Bill, it seems to me, is from people who simply haven’t understood the brutal reality of the world we live in and the true horror of the terrorism we face,” Sir John wrote.

Sir John’s comments, which are critical of politicians opposing the proposals, may be seem [sic] by some as highly political.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

ROTS Trailer

Yes, that right all of your Sci Fi freaks, oh wait, that's me. Anyway, on Thursday, March 10, FOX will debut the full Episode III trailer, Revenge of the Sith, during a broadcast of "The O.C." And no I am not a fan of "The OC" but it's ST III footage!

First Reagan, now Bush

Remember when President Reagan gave the "Evil Empire" speech how the media blasted him for it. The libs still think that everything is soo complex and the simple solutions are just that, too simple. We as a society are losing touch with this, there is no more black and white in the world, it’s all just grey to make everyone feel warm, and fuzzy. Pardon me while I regurgitate something from last night!

It is bad enough that the libs and the media do not think that Reagan played a KEY role in the downfall of the Soviet Union (may it rest in peace), now the actions taken by our current president appear not to have any effect on current situations in the Middle East, if you read and believe your local newspapers.

Bill Clinton Apologizes to Iran?

Here is another (what I believe) attempt to remain in the International Communties eyes . It appears that he is still trying to land that job at the UN.

"So, while millions of Iranians, especially the young, look to the United States as a mode of progress and democracy, a former president of the US looks to the Islamic Republic as his ideological homeland."

Now let's just imagine Billy Boy the head of the UN. Anyone know of a country suitable for ex Americans? I may need to find a one real soon.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Listen, Ward: Real Indians Love America

We have all heard the ramblings of the psycho Ward Churchill. He is an article with some interesting
facts and observations on the Patriotism of the TRUE American Indians.

Give it up Dan Rather...........

Dan Rather was on David Letterman’s show last night, and he still says that the documents do not appear to be fakes: Dan Rather Makes Appearance on ‘Late Show’.

Rather said that to his mind, two of the panel’s most important conclusions were that it could not demonstrate that political bias played a part in the stories or conclusively account for the origins of the documents in question.

CBS’s Sept. 8 story began falling apart when experts questioned the legitimacy of documents supposedly written by Bush’s National Guard commander that suggested the future president had received preferential treatment.

“Although they had four months and millions of dollars, they could not demonstrate that the documents were not authentic, that they were forgeries,” Rather said.

If there must be trouble let it be in my day, that my child may have peace.
--Thomas Paine (1737-1809) Posted by Hello